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Costume Lighting Performance Props Setting/Location Colour Conventions

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Presentation on theme: "Costume Lighting Performance Props Setting/Location Colour Conventions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Costume Lighting Performance Props Setting/Location Colour Conventions Layout and design Language

2 Steve Neale – Genre as Repetition and Difference: “Genre is familiar to audiences through the repetition of conventions like a physically strong, dynamic, violent, male hero in Action Adventure Video Games like Assassin’s Creed and GTAV but is challenged by a female lead character in Tomb Raider and Beyond: Two Souls. Other conventions are the same however, despite this key difference and serve to maintain interest in an apparently evolving genre”. Henry Jenkins – Genre constantly ‘Breaks Rules’ e.g. evolving hybridization: “Hybridization is now commonplace to maximize audience appeal but also to offer a unique selling point by appearing to break the rules e.g. Submarine is both social realist in format but using comedy conventions typical for a rites of passage film”. Intertextuality – the relationship between texts, especially literary ones

3 Analyse official websites – codes and conventions, construction of the star persona or ‘brand’.
Convergence - how are ‘brand values’ reinforced across the artist’s online/ social media platforms? How does the online presence reinforce the persona/ messages of the video? Are similar codes (e.g. colour, repeated imagery) used? Are the messages similar? Production/ ownership – major or independent record label? How is this evident in the website? Is the ‘brand’ evident? How does the website promote/ sell the artist & music? Is there a shop – music/ merchandise? Is a tour advertised? What other methods of promotion are used on social media? What do websites offer audiences – interactive features/ inclusivity? Consider Uses and Gratifications – personal identity and social interaction. Link to fandom – sense of personal involvement (Taylor Swift’s blog & photo diary – like a friend; Katy Perry’s fans called ‘Katycats’) Columbia Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, the North American division of Japanese conglomerate Sony. Capitol Records, Inc. is an American record label owned by Universal Music Group through its Capitol Music Group imprint.

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