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2/23/2019 Special Education End-of-Year FINAL STEPS Report Review/Complete Snapshot.

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Presentation on theme: "2/23/2019 Special Education End-of-Year FINAL STEPS Report Review/Complete Snapshot."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/23/2019 Special Education End-of-Year FINAL STEPS Report Review/Complete Snapshot

2 Agenda Special Education End-of-Year Report Review Approval
2/23/2019 Agenda Special Education End-of-Year Report Review Approval Report Upload to Data Management System Data Submission

3 Final Steps 9/27 – 10/3 Final Report Review Week
Print new reports to ensure the reports reflect a Complete snapshot. 10/4: Final Data File Approval and Report Submission Approve final Special Education EOY Snapshot by clicking “submit to CDE” All 10 Signed reports received by CDE (DMS) Final snapshot and signed reports due on October 4th.

4 Why Report Review is Important
2/23/2019 Why Report Review is Important The EOY data is used for: Indicator 11 (path 3 records) Indicator 12 (path 2 records) Part C Evaluations (reimbursement $ calculated from these) Exits (path 2 and 3 records) (including Indicators 1 and 2) Verify records reported in correct Path

5 Report Checklist Download the handy dandy “Special Education End-of-Year Report Check List”

6 Final Report Review Thursday September 27 to Wednesday October 3
2/23/2019 Final Report Review Thursday September 27 to Wednesday October 3 Must have an EOY – USER or APPROVER role in order to download/view the Special Education EOY reports in the Data Pipeline Directors should review the signature reports and supporting detail reports.

7 Where to Find SPED EOY Reports
2/23/2019 Where to Find SPED EOY Reports From Single Sign On > select Data Pipeline> Click Cognos Reports> Special Education EOY:

8 Selecting the right format for your Report
ALWAYS view the Signature reports (the numbered reports) in PDF Format. This will ensure: The best layout of the report for a printed page (no columns will be cut off). Informative headers and footers will appear on every page, including the time and date the report was generated. Pages will be automatically numbered. You will see ALL the pages including the Signature Page. Selecting the right format for your Report

9 Signature Reports in Cognos
2/23/2019 Signature Reports in Cognos Please upload each signed report in full to the Data Management System by Thursday, October 4, 2018.

10 1 Special Education EOY Data Validity Certification Report
2/23/2019 1 Special Education EOY Data Validity Certification Report

11 2/23/2019 2 Number of Children Referred for Part C Evaluation(s), and Number of Evaluations completed by the AU Related Detail Report: Part C Evaluation Detail Listing of Children who did Not Meet the Timeline

12 2 Number of Children Referred for Part C … Continued
Report Criteria: #1 Special Education/Part C Referral = 01, 04, 05 #2 Special Education/Part C Referral = 01, 04, 05 AND Evaluation Completed During Reporting Period = 01 #3 Special Education/Part C Referral = 01, 04, 05 AND Evaluation Completed During Reporting Period = 02 #4 Special Education/Part C Referral = 01, 04, 05 AND Where Evaluation Completed During Reporting Period = 01 and the number of days from Date Referred for Part C Evaluation to the Date Evaluation Completed >45 *There is one Detail Listing to go with this report that lists the students considered to have NOT met the 45 day timeline.

13 3 Indicator 11 Number of Students with Initial Part B Evaluations
Updated! Related Detail Reports: Indicator 11 Listing of Students Who Did Not Meet the SPP Indicator 11 Timeline Indicator 11 Listing of Students Who Did Not Have Their Evaluation Completed Within 60 Days Indicator 11 Listing of School Age Students Whose Evaluation Was Completed Within 5 Days of Parental Consent to Evaluate Indicator 11 Listing of Students in Path 3 Whose IEP Was Not Finalized Within 90 Days

14 Indicator 11 Report Criteria
Select Criteria: #1 Special Education/Part C Referral = 03, 05 or 07. #2 Special Education/Part C Referral = 02 or 04. #3 Special Education/Part C Referral = 03, 05 or 07 and: A. "Date Evaluation Completed [Path 3] <= 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 3] plus B. Date Evaluation Completed [Path 3] > 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 3] and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 3] <> 00 or 05 or 47 plus C. Evaluation Completed is zero-filled and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 3] = 03 or 23 or 45 or 47 or 50 PLUS Special Education/Part C Referral = 02 or 04 and: A. "Date Evaluation Completed [Path 2] <= 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 2] plus B. Date Evaluation Completed [Path 2] > 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 2] and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 2] <> 00 or 05 or 47 plus C. Evaluation Completed is zero-filled and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 2] = 01 or 03 or 23 or 45 or 47 or 50.

15 Indicator 11 Report Criteria - Continued
#4 Special Education/Part C Referral = 03, 05 or 07 and: A.Date Evaluation Completed [Path 3] > 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 3] and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 3] = 05 plus B. Evaluation Completed is zero-filled and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 3] = 05 or 26 or 43 or 46 PLUS special Education/Part C Referral = 02 or 04 and: A. "Date Evaluation Completed [Path 2] > 60 calendar days from the "Date of Parental Consent [Path 2] and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 2] = 05 plus B. Evaluation Completed is zero-filled and "Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation" [Path 2] = 05 or 26 or 46.

16 4 Indicator 12 Number of Children Referred from Part C to Part B
2/23/2019 4 Indicator 12 Number of Children Referred from Part C to Part B Related Detail Reports: Listing of Students Who Did Not Meet the SPP Indicator 12 Timeline Listing of Children Referred from Part C to B Whose Part B IEP Was Not Implemented by Their 3rd Birthday

17 Indicator 12 Report Criteria #1 & #2
#1 Special Education/Part C Referral = 02, 04 or 07 #2 Special Education/Part C Referral = 02, 04 or 07 AND: A. Eligibility and Services = 04 where Calculated age as of Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting [Path 2] is <=3 OR B. Eligibility and Services = 04 where Calculated age as of Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting [Path 2] is >=3, number of days between Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services is >=90 days before the Child's third Birthday and Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting <> 05.

18 Indicator 12 Report Criteria #3
#3 Special Education/Part C Referral = 02, 04 or 07, Eligibility and Services = 02 AND: A. Calculated age as of Date IEP was Implemented [Path 2] <= 3; OR B. Calculated age as of Date IEP was Implemented >3, number of days between Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services is >=90 days before the Child's third Birthday and Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation = 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 48, 49, 51, 53 OR C. Date IEP was Implemented is zero-filled AND calculated age as of Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting [Path 2] is <=3 AND Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation = 03.

19 Indicator 12 Report Criteria #4
#4 All children with Special Education/Part C Referral = 02, 04 or 07 A. Date IEP was Implemented is not zero-filled AND number of days between Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services is >=90 days before the Child's third Birthday AND Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation = 45 or 46 B. Date IEP was Implemented is zero-filled AND number of days between Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services is >=90 days before the Child's third Birthday AND Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation = 01, 45, 47, 50, 52 or 54

20 Indicator 12 Report Criteria #5
#5 Special Education/Part C Referral = 02, 04 or 07 where number of days between Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services is <90 days before the Child's third Birthday AND (Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation <> 00 OR Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting <> 00).



23 5 Number of Students Exited by Disability and Discrete Age
Related Detail Report: Listing of Students Considered to be Graduates

24 2/23/2019 Age Calculation Federal Reporting rules state we must calculate a student’s age on the most recent December Count prior to their exit. Anyone who exited after the December 1 count date would have their age calculated on 12/1/2017 Those who exited before the December 1 count date would have their age calculated on the previous count date 12/1/2016

25 6 Number of Students Reported by Age Group, Type of Service and Disability

26 7 Number of Students Reported by Age Group and Type of Referral

27 8 Year to Year Comparison Report of Number of Students Exited
2/23/2019 8 Year to Year Comparison Report of Number of Students Exited Provide explanations for any rows that are flagged with an A. An A flag indicates a Number Count AND Percentage Change of 20 or more from prior year.

28 9 Year to Year Comparison of Number of Students Reported by Type of Referral
Provide explanations for any rows that are flagged with an A. An A flag indicates a Number Count AND Percentage Change of 20 or more from prior year.

29 10 Listing of Students Reported in Error on the Previous December Count
These are students that you reported on December Count and whoops, that student really exited in October (or exited anytime between 7/1 and 11/30 before December Count date) and thus should not have been reported on December Count.

30 Example of an EOY Report Flag
The count has changed by at least 20 The % has changed by at least 20

31 Flags Several years ago the criteria for flags changed to increase the relevancy of explanations. Now Items will only flag when: The count has changed by at least 20 students AND The percentage has changed by at least 20% This reflects current reporting requirements by OSEP Some AUs will not have any flags to explain.

32 2/23/2019 Flag Explanations AUs are required to submit an explanation for each A flag. Use the flag explanation template to provide an explanation for the year to year change

33 Flag Explanations – TA Document
Flag Explanation Template

34 Flag Explanations – The Why
We need AUs’ explanations to: Identify the best practices and support needs in the field To report the state-level year-to-year differences to OSEP We appreciate explanations with: Great details Cause and effect (e.g., program implementation, unusual mobility) Category Flagged Inadequate Explanation Informative Explanation Transferred to Regular Education (increase) Better re-evaluation process. We reported more students who transferred to regular education than the year before due to Professional Development classes that providers were required to take to help them better understand and identify the disability. This professional development helped us strengthen our re-evaluation processes. Consequently, we had more students who exited special education and entered general education across grade levels this year.

35 Flag Explanations-The How
Categories can be grouped (more than one category can be listed in the box) if they are closely related to the same explanation. This is to avoid copy and pasting the same explanation in multiple places. Example: Category Flagged Count Difference from Last Year Percentage Difference from Last Year Transfer to Public School in a Different State/Country 20 20% Explanation Historically, our AU has seen big swings in the student population as a reflection of the local economy. This year, families working in the energy industry (a large part of our students’ families’ employments) moved to North Dakota due to the increased job availability there. The families of students with IEPs were also included in this movement.

36 Completing Flag Explanations
Please use the second page of the technical assistance document to give us explanations for each flag. Copy and paste the template on a new sheet as needed. This page should then be uploaded on to the Data Management System along with other signed reports.

37 Uploading to the Data Management System
2/23/2019 Uploading to the Data Management System Log into the Data Management System Click “ESSU Data Management System” Link to Data Pipeline Single Sign-on Page (opens in browser)

38 Uploading to DMS Please Note!!
2/23/2019 Uploading to DMS Please Note!! In order to upload files to the profile tab, you must have one of the following “roles” in the DMS: AU director role AU Monitoring Profile and LEA User (MpnLU) role If you don’t see the profile tab, please talk to your AU’s LAM and obtain one of the above roles. If you encounter any trouble with the DMS, please Melissa Chaffin

39 Uploading to the Data Management System – Overview
2/23/2019 Uploading to the Data Management System – Overview From the Overview, select Profile

40 Uploading to the Profile tab
2/23/2019 Upload to the Profile tab by selecting “Upload Attachment” Uploading to the Profile tab

41 Upload Attachment Select “Browse” and find your flag explanation document and signed reports Label your file “EOY Flag Explanations ” Select the current date. Save

42 Flow of Reports Submission
Download the numbered reports from Pipeline and make sure all the reported numbers are accurate Sign the reports and scan them into PDF. Download the “Year to Year Flag Explanation Document” found under Additional Resources on the Special Education EOY Webpage (opens in browser) Explain the flagged count differences using the templates in the flag document (2nd page) Upload the following to the profile tab of the Data Management System which can be found on this Link to Data Pipeline Single Sign-on Page (opens in browser) Signed and scanned reports (in pdf) Filled out year to year explanation template (Word document)

43 Steps to Submit Snapshot to CDE required by October 4th
2/23/2019 Steps to Submit Snapshot to CDE required by October 4th Within Data Pipeline 1. Click Special Education on the left menu 2. Click Status Dashboard 3. Use the drop downs to select the appropriate values File Type: End of Year Snapshot School Year: Organization/LEA: defaults to your AU Notice the Data Locked value on this screen is set to N Notice the Overall Status is set to P (pending) indicating the data has not been submitted to CDE. 4. Click the Submit to CDE button (Only EOY-APPROVERS will have this ability) (must have 0 errors) 5. Click OK A green message should display above the File Type box indicating the data was submitted The Data Locked value should change to Y The Overall Status should change to S

44 Special Education EOY Contacts
Special Education EOY contact information Kristi Gleason – (Primary contact) Lindsey Heitman – Orla Bolger – Alyssa Ohleyer – *Please include your AU #, Error code # (if applicable), and phone number in s

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