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Alpine Ski Team Parent Meeting

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1 2018-2019 Alpine Ski Team Parent Meeting
Contact Info: Coach Mauks: Cell: Asst Coaches: Steve Smith and Brett Lasser Twitter: ****The team roster is being passed around. Please check to see that all the information on that sheet is correct. Add/correct/fill in anything that needs it.

Things that can be found at our website: Practice Schedule Race Results as I get them Number of Starts for each athlete Our race schedule If your child cannot remember what skis to bring to practice please check the website schedule If you have any suggestions or questions please me

3 Team Lineups We have a full boys and girls team this year.
Absences will greatly effect lineups. If you know that your child is not going to be making a certain race please let me know. is the best way:

4 Eastern Racers Practice/Race Requirement
Your child needs to make 1 practice a week with the high school team. Must have 6 starts to qualify for Sectionals and States We are very aware of the full skiing schedule of the Eastern athletes. Please let me know in advance if something comes up and your athlete will not be able to make it to practice. Currently none of the HS races interfere with Eastern races. However we do understand that may of these races require substantial travel.

5 Starts for Sectionals To qualify to race in Sectionals and States the athlete must have at least 6 starts. Can only get 1 start per 24 hours . A start is recorded if the athlete begins a course. It does not have to be finished. Please be sure that your athlete has at least 6 starts so that they can qualify to race in Sectionals and States.

6 Bus from Barker/Sutherland /Calkins
Barker – walk or bus Depart Arrive 2:30 pm SHS Lomb lot  Mendon HS 2:37pm 2:38 pm Mendon HS Barker Rd MS 2:41 pm Barker MS 2:44 pm  Calkins Rd MS 2:49pm Calkins Rd MS 2:49pm SHS Lomb Lot 2:58 3:05 pm SHS Lomb lot  Mendon HS 3:11pm Remember if you are driving yourself practice starts at 3: Do not be late.

7 BUSES We will have a bus to and from south side of Pittsford Mendon on all practice days The practice and race bus will stop at Sutherland at 3:05 and leave at 3:15 to come to mendon. Mendon Pick up time will be 3:25 for practices and races. We are usually home from Bristol practice around 7pm. Please be timely picking up your athlete as we will always have a coach stay till all the athletes are picked up. We will be taking a bus to league races. There will be no bus home from races. There will be no busses to any of the training camp races or invitational races.

8 Invitational's and Camps
The Bristol ski camps cost is covered by district but there is no bus to or from the Bristol ski camps. Parents are responsible for setting up rides. District rule on Invitational's - Parents need to pay for race and provide transportation There will not be any buses to or from Invitational's. We have one Invitational’s on the schedule. 2/8/19 CA invitational Bristol Cost appx. $15-$18

9 Dry Land Training Times
Goal: To have every member of the team in their individual best physical and mental shape for the season Being in great shape not only helps when they hit the slopes but it also aids in lowering the incidence of major injuries Time 3:30 – 5pm weekdays No Weekend Dry Land. I do, however, suggest that the athletes go for a 30 min run to aid their muscles in recovery.

10 Hosting Races We will be hosting 2 races this year and we are going to need help from the parents. Dec 28th at Bristol Mtn (first race of the year) Feb 5th at Brantling (last race of the year) Jobs that need to be filled Announcer (only for Bristol) 2 scribes – write names and times on the board (both races) Assistant starter – call out bib numbers at the top of the hill by the start. (Brantling only) Bib collector (both races)

11 Slipping the race course
The league is looking for 4 or 5 parents from each team that would be willing to slip the course during races. Your name would be given to the Fairport coach and he will organize the slippers for that race. You are NOT obligated to be at every race. You would get a ticket for that race if you needed one and could ski after the race had finished. We are looking for people with slipping experience or people that are good on skis and want to learn.

12 Food for Races Parents need to get to Brantling early to secure enough tables for our large team. The coaches and kids really appreciate all the wonderful food that you make for the team. Science has shown that what athletes eat in between races can effect their performance. So, we are requesting that you don’t open the deserts until after the kids come in from the second run of the race. We also ask that we do not have any soda at the table. Water, Milk, Sports drinks are fine

13 Twitter Coachmauks@pittsfordalpine Please follow us on twitter
**This will keep you up to date on any changes that occur due to weather. **This will keep you up to date on the great things that the student athletes do throughout the year.

14 District Alpine Skiing Support
The district covers 100% of training, races and busses for all athletes that make the alpine ski team There are many Monroe County teams that do not cover all the costs for their athletes the way that Pittsford does. As you all know Alpine is not a cheep endeavor in the world of HS athletics. Next time you have a conversation with someone about costs please feel free to brag a little about how great our district athletic support is for alpine skiing.

15 CUTS This is the largest team that Pittsford has had. We have 33 athletes trying out for 28 spots. With a little creative thinking and support from our wonderful athletic department there will NO CUTS this year. Everyone who is trying out will be able to be a part of this team.

16 Closing All questions and suggestions can be ed to Thank you for your time the coaches are looking forward to another great season.

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