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Ch.8 Sect.1: Religion Sparks Reform

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.8 Sect.1: Religion Sparks Reform"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.8 Sect.1: Religion Sparks Reform

2 The Second Great Awakening
Charles Finney most famous preacher of the era Broad religious movement that swept U.S. after… Preachers rejected… They emphasized… Some preachers could draw audiences of…


4 Revivalism Revival— Could last 4-5 days! During the day…
In the evening… Western NY became… Father of modern revivalism

5 The African-American Church
Christianity brought to enslaved Africans Baptist/Methodist churches open to… In the South… In the East… African Methodist Episcopal Church National Convention Richard Allen


7 Ch.8 Sect.2: Slavery & Abolition

8 Abolitionists Speak Out
1820s more than… 1400 blacks… Abolition— William Lloyd Garrison Emancipation— New England Anti-Slavery Society & Core black support


10 Free Blacks David Walker advised blacks to… Many free blacks joined…
Blacks in the south… Blacks in the north…

11 Another David Walker

12 Frederick Douglass Born into slavery 1817
Taught how to read and write by… By 1838 Read… Sponsored by Garrison to… The North Star

13 Life Under Slavery Population had nearly doubled between…
18th century slaves… 1830 slaves… By 1850 most slaves lived on plantations or large farms that employed…

14 Urban Slavery Promise of cotton wealth lured…
Slaves needed to work in mills & on ships million rural and… Women and children “hired out”

15 Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Born into slavery 1800 in Virginia He was a gifted… August 1831… 80 followers and attacked 4 plantations Whites killed 200 blacks

16 Slave Owners Defend Slavery
Debate over slavery in Virginia voted on Antebellum— Education/Privilege inspired revolt Slave codes— Some proslavery advocates used… Benefited blacks? Happy slave myth Abolitionist campaign Gag rule—



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