BCHS Course Selection 2013-2014 Academic Year Audio Presentation This presentation will cover the following: Graduation Requirements. How to select electives.

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2 BCHS Course Selection 2013-2014 Academic Year Audio Presentation This presentation will cover the following: Graduation Requirements. How to select electives – Placement Parameters. Pre- requisites How to find course descriptions. Online Learning Dual Enrollment information: Edison – FGCU. Contact information.

3 Class of 2014 Graduation requirements: Available through course directory- which is available through the district website. 26 credits to include: 4 in English 4 in Math (to include Algebra 1 and Geometry) 3 in Social Studies (US History, World History, Economics, American Government) 3 in Science HOPE Performing or Practical Art Credit Pass FCAT 2.0 Reading Minimum 2.0 GPA (unweighted)

4 Class of 2015 Graduation Requirements Available through course directory- which is available through the district website. 24 credits to include: 4 in English 4 in Math (to include Algebra 1 and Geometry) 3 in Social Studies (US History, World History, Economics, American Government) 3 in Science, 1 to include Biology HOPE Performing or Practical Art Credit Pass FCAT 2.0 Reading and Algebra 1 end of course exam At least one course within the 24 credits required must be completed through online learning Minimum 2.0 GPA (unweighted)

5 Class of 2016 Graduation Requirements Available through course directory- which is available through the district website. 24 credits to include: 4 in English 4 in Math (to include Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2) 3 in Social Studies (US History, World History, Economics, American Government) 3 in Science, 1 to include Biology HOPE Performing or Practical Art Credit Pass FCAT 2.0 Reading Students must earn a passing score on the Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology EOC Assessment in order to earn course credit. At least one course within the 24 credits required must be completed through online learning Minimum 2.0 GPA (unweighted)

6 To view elective offerings for the 2013-2014 Academic Year click on the following: Barron Collier Elective Course Offerings for 2013-2014 When choosing courses for next year, review the requirements for your graduation year to ensure you are meeting all of them (performing/practical art, online course, etc.) Request 7 live courses, there is no part time high school. If planning on virtual classes you can inform your counselor in August.

7 How to find course descriptions… The course directory can be found on the district website: http://www.collierschools.com/candi/docs/HSCourseOfferings. pdf http://www.collierschools.com/candi/docs/HSCourseOfferings. pdf Be sure to select classes based upon your grade level and pre-requisites.

8 Virtual Courses Class of 2015 and beyond are required to complete a virtual course prior to graduationat no cost to the student Students MUST request a Florida Virtual School (FLVS)course at www.flvs.net within the first 2 weeks of the school year.www.flvs.net A combo of live and online courses can be taken to equal 7 credits. A student may opt to come into campus late or leave early, with parental permission, when taking virtual courses. In this case, bus transportation is not available.

9 Virtual Courses continued… A virtual lab is available in the Media Center, students can opt to take a virtual course here at school for no more than 3 of their 7 periods. Students can choose to take an online course through FLVS after school, as an 8 th credit, or even during the summer break.

10 Dual Enrollment Information: Edison – FGCU Dual Enrollment: You must complete an online application at www.edison.edu & complete PERT with passing scores to participate in any on or off campus DE class through Edison.www.edison.edu FGCU requires an application packet available at www.fgcu.edu and requires SAT or ACT scores with minimum.www.fgcu.edu Edison: GPA of 3.0 FGCU: GPA of 3.3 For more information on Dual Enrollment, please contact: Mr. Diegel Phone: 377-1223 Email: diegeler@collierschools.com

11 Edison DE on-line courses are now available!!! DE on-line courses WILL satisfy the virtual course graduation requirement for the class of 2015 and beyond.

12 Contact information for your School Counselor 9 th – 12 th grade – Last names A-thru-D Mrs. Hunter hunterme@collierschools.comhunterme@collierschools.com 9 th – 12 th grade – Last names E-thru-H & ELL Mr. Way wayj1@collierschools.comwayj1@collierschools.com 9 th - 12 th grade – Last names I-M Ms. Edson edsona@collierschools.comedsona@collierschools.com 9 th - 12 th grade– Last names N-R & Dual Enrollment Coordinator Mr. Diegel diegeler@collierschools.comdiegeler@collierschools.com 9 th – 12 th grade – Last names S-thru-Z Mrs. Knox knoxva@collierschools.comknoxva@collierschools.com

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