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Repro Cancers By Cassie and Autumn.

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1 Repro Cancers By Cassie and Autumn

2 Most common Women and Men Repro. Cancers
Cervical Cancer Endometrial Cancer Ovarian Cancer Penile Cancer Testicular Cancer Prostate Cancer

3 Cervical Cancer This cancer can be caused by a sexually transmitted disease called HPV. This cancer is also very rare 20K to 200K cases per year, the age that is most effected by this cancer is 60 yrs. old and beyond. (But just because your younger than 60 does not mean you can’t get it to.) There are no real symptoms to detect cervical cancer but most people experience, pain in the pelvis or pain during intercourse, irregular menstruation or heavy menstruation, abnormal discharge, nausea, and fatigue. Treatments include perscriptions Paclitaxel, and Cisplatin. Procedures include, Radiation therapy, Cervical conization.

4 Endometrial Cancer Most common cancer, 200K to 30M cases per year in US. Most common age of women who contract this cancer is after the age of 55. This cancer occurs in the lining of the womb. (uterus) The symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain and or pain during sex, but not all women experience symptoms. Treatments include, surgery to remove the uterus, Radiation, hormone therapy (proesterteron), and chemotherapy.

5 Ovarian Cancers This cancer effects the women’s female organs that produce eggs. This cancer is rare, 20K to 200K cases per yr. in US. Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it has spreads within the pelvis. When this happens the cancer is harder to treat and can be fatal. In later stages the symptoms can include loss of appetite, and weight loss. Treatments can include chemotherapy, and a carboplatin by injection.

6 Penile Cancer Penile cancer starts in or on the penis, cancer starts when cells grow out of control. Having HPV may increase your chances of getting Penile cancer. Symptoms can include, sores, discharge, and bleeding. Treatments include surgery , radiation therapy, chemotherapy.

7 Testicular Cancer This cancer starts at the men’s testicles. (located in the scrotum.) Has no real symptoms but people can experience lower back pain, fatigue, swelling of scrotum, acheness, weight loss, and swollen lymph nodes. Treatments can be chemotherapy by injection,( Etoposide) Hormone therapy (testosterone).

8 Prostate Cancer A cancer in a man’s prostate, walnut-shaped gland, produces seminal fluid. Symptoms include, painful urination, excessive urination, also can experience erectile dysfunction. Some types of prostate cancers grow slowly and need minimal or no treatment, but Treatments include chemotherapy regimen (Cabazitaxel by injection.), and Prostate brachytherapy.

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