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Female and Male Cancers

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1 Female and Male Cancers

2 What is Cancer? Cancer is a cellular disease Abnormal cell growth
Cells grow out of control and forms tumors If the tumor is within a gland, the cancer is said to be localized If the cancer escapes the gland it is called systemic spread Early detection before the cancer escapes the gland is very important

3 Local-Regional Disease Spread
Systemic Spread Lymph Node Tumor Other Organs GLAND Bone Tumor CAPSULE

4 Breast Cancer

5 Definition Breast cancer is the uncontrollable growth and spread of abnormal cells in the breast If not controlled, it can lead to death An estimate 40,460 deaths will occur from female breast cancer in 2007 Only lung cancer accounts for more cancer in women.

6 Signs and Symptoms The earliest sign is an abnormality that shows up on a mammogram before it can be felt by the woman or health care provider. Early stages of breast cancer usually do not produce symptoms.

7 Signs and Symptoms Continued…
Painless mass (up to 10% of patients have breast pain and no mass) Breast changes: thickening, swelling, and skin irritation or distortion Nipple changes: discharge, inversion, or tenderness.

8 9 out of 10 women survive breast cancer simply by early detection.

9 Cervical Cancer

10 Definition Cervical cancer is the uncontrollable growth and spread of abnormal cells in the cervix. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 have been found to cause 70% of cervical cancer cases. 10,000 new cases of cervical cancer every year.

11 Cervical Cancer

12 Signs and Symptoms Often times there are no symptoms.
Women often times view the symptoms as related to her period. Once the cancer advances, symptoms may include: Abnormal bleeding Heavy discharge Pelvic pain Pain during urination

13 Detection by a Doctor Pap Test
Doctor scrapes cells from the cervix and examines them under a microscope to detect infection or abnormal cells.

14 Prevention Safe sex Gardasil Vaccine

15 Male Cancers

16 Testicular Cancer

17 Definition Testicular cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the Testicle. Usually only develops in one testicle 1-2% of men who develop testicular cancer get it in both testicles.

18 Normal and Abnormal Testicle

19 Signs and Symptoms Lump in the testicle, usually painless
Swelling of the testicle Some men may develop back pain or swelling in the leg

20 Early Detection is Key * Self-Examination *
Hold the penis out of the way and examine each testicle separately Hold the testicle between the thumbs and fingers with both hands and roll it gently between the fingers Look and feel for any hard lumps or change in the size, shape, or consistency of the testes

21 Prostate Cancer

22 Male Anatomy

23 Definition Prostate Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of cells in the prostate gland. In the United States, 218,890 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. That is one man diagnosed every 3 minutes.

24 Signs and Symptoms There may be none at all!!!
Major Signs and Symptoms: Urinary Frequency Slow urinary flow Painful urination Blood in urine or semen Impotence Lower back or thigh pain

25 Risk Factors Age: The risk increases with age, but 25% of diagnoses are made under age 65. Race: African-Americans have a rate of incidence double that of Caucasian men. Family History of Prostate Cancer: Men with a family history have two-to-three fold increase in the risk of prostate cancer. Diet: A diet high in saturated animal fat can double the risk of developing prostate cancer.

26 Detection by Doctor Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)
Doctor examination by feeling the prostate with his/her fingers through the rectum

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