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Content Strategy Practice Overview

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1 Content Strategy Practice Overview
Savitha Varadan March 2008

2 Overview What is content strategy? What is the impact of content strategy? How content strategy works Integration with other design practices Tools and resources Goals for visit

3 What is content strategy?

4 The definition of content strategy
Content strategy is the process of conceptualizing, organizing, and creating content using human-centered design methodologies.

5 What content strategy is and isn’t
At eBay, content strategy is an integral part of: eBay product Page design Page flow Information architecture User interface User interactions Wireframing Holistic site experience It is not: Editing, copyediting, or copywriting Long essays or guides Help or customer-support content User-generated listings Marketing or advertising copy Publishing Production Development

6 How content can drive results
Deliver the brand promise Use a conversational and friendly voice Drive key brand themes throughout the site experience Emotionally connect with users by using locally relevant language Increase retention and conversion Support site simplicity with relevant and consistent content Inspire users to take action Set expectations and instill trust

7 What is the impact of content strategy?

8 First time listings on .ca Educational text put on the SYI form
Sell Your Item example After adding one line of educational text: First time listings on .ca 2005 89% 84% 79% First-time listings in USD went up to almost 80 percent after educational text was put on the SYI form. 51% 42% Educational text put on the SYI form

9 Benelux example Changed “Community” to “Forums” (BENL)

10 Benelux impact Number of Page Views Number of Total Posts 66% increase
In page views 250% increase In posts

11 How content strategy works

12 Conceptualize: Gather user insights and knowledge

13 Organize: Create frameworks and models

14 Create: Write human and brand-centered copy

15 Integration with other design practices

16 A collaborative approach to holistic design

17 Relationship of content and design
“Good writing is good design. It's a rare exception where words don't accompany design. Icons with names, form fields with examples, buttons with labels.... These are all interface design.” From Getting Real, 37Signals

18 Design and development approach
Understand Conceive Design Develop Refine Explore Study problem and opportunity. Refined, shared understanding across UED team of design needs and goals. Deliver refined, detailed design concepts. Final design deliverables ready to be handed over to product development Product goes live to site. Study design details and implementation of the concept selected to fine tune product. Examine technology implementation details to fine tune product. Collect and study all related information to gain better understanding and begin recommendations. Brainstorm, consider multiple design concepts and approaches.

19 Tools and resources

20 Materials for understanding
Content strategy product design process Content strategy skillset list Pattern engine, including style guidelines New eBay Product Voice Guide Updated job descriptions Content strategy challenge

21 Goals for visit

22 Targets for GTP visit Shared understanding of content strategy practice at eBay Understanding of GTP capabilities Identification and review of potential candidates Review of recruiting opportunities Discussion of content strategy best practices for GTP model Review of timelines and potential projects Exploration of success metrics

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