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Poverty and Asthma Public Policy Analysis

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1 Poverty and Asthma Public Policy Analysis
1 Poverty and Asthma Public Policy Analysis Karen Silfa IS 143M I ksi

2 Steps of the Public Policy Analysis
2 Define the Problem Gather Evidence Identify the Cause Evaluate an Existing Policy Develop Solutions Select the Best Solution (Feasibility vs. Effectiveness)

3 What is asthma? 3 Asthma is a chronic long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing ( whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. Asthma affects people of all age, but it mostly starts in childhood.

4 What is the Problem? 4 Center of disease control notes that there is a higher prevalence of asthma among the poor or near poor. One in eight New York City children has been diagnosed with asthma, with poor children nearly twice as likely to suffer from respiratory disease.

5 Do you know of someone that suffers from asthma?

6 Identify the Evidence 6 Percentages of children < 18 who currently has asthma by ethnicity and poverty level. What information can you gather from this graph that can prove the relationship between poverty and asthma?

7 Identify the Cause 7 Airborne allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, mold, cockroaches and dust mites. Strong emotions and stress Cold air, poor air quality. Chemical : Detergents and paint.

8 Evaluating Current Policy
8 The Partners Asthma Center: provides medical care to all who need it. The Fresh Air Fund New York City Asthma Initiative

9 Develop Solutions 9 Are the current policies sufficient to address current issues, why or why not? What do you think can be done to address the disproportionately high rate of asthma in poor areas? Develop three solutions using Public Policy Analysis Format

10 Select the best Solution
10 Use the following worksheet to select the best solution: Rank the feasibility and effectiveness of each of your proposed solutions. Which is your best solution and why?

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