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United States History-11

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1 United States History-11


3 NATIVE AMERICANS First known inhabitants of the continent
Settled across the entire body of land Believed land was alive and could not be owned Barter System Disease

4 EUROPEAN SETTLERS End of the middle ages led to the Renaissance and new political ideas Nations were formed and competition ensued Each sought a trade route to the East Indies Naval, colonial and expansionary competition grew throughout the next centuries

5 THE ROOTS OF SLAVERY Beautiful rich and historic heritage of the continent Land was not scarce but people were Slavery evolved as kingdoms competed for servants, they were traded for goods Europeans involved themselves and the system grew rapidly and harsher as time went on Middle Passage Not indentured servitude

6 DISCOVERING AMERICA Columbus sails on the Atlantic in search of a trade route America is founded later and goods are brought back to Europe for trade Ravages the Natives Slavery and plantations pick up immediately as crops are a main economic staple New culture of interaction forms right away

7 EARLY EXPEDITIONS Spain- Southern and Central America Dutch- New York
French- Great Plains area English decide to get involved and start settling all over Competition and expansion becomes an issue…Profit is the driving force

8 ROANOAKE First known English colony in America
Fails the first time due to starvation and everyone leaves – 1585 Resettled in 1587 When an expedition was sent in 1590 it had disappeared without a trace…Croatoan… Still a mystery


10 JAMESTOWN Founded in 1606 and named a royal colony in 1624
Legislature formed called the House of Burgesses Given a representative in Parliament Grew quickly and class structure formed Tobacco growing flourished

11 BACON’S REBELLION Nathaniel Bacon formed a private army to fight Native Americans Governor tried to stop him, Bacon turned on Jamestown and his people burned it He died of illness People would not stand for government for the rich People would react and make changes

12 NEW ENGLAND COLONIES The English settled in what would be known as Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine Wars with the Indians Ship building, fishing Manufacturing and trade were major economic actions

Religious conflicts caused the first colony in America (Puritans persecuted) Pilgrims fled to America for religious freedom Mayflower Compact- self government Early struggles were helped by the Indians Thanksgiving Salem Witch Trials (No tolerance)

14 MIDDLE COLONIES New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Lumber work New York was run by the Dutch until the English took it over in the late 1600’s Named after the Duke of York It was a proprietary colony

15 MIDDLE COLONIES Quakers Settled in Pennsylvania
Practiced religious tolerance, made a haven for faith People of all faith settled there in an attempt to live a life free from persecution

16 SOUTHERN COLONIES Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas and Georgia
Plantations Tobacco cash crop Separate culture forms immediately Slavery Traditional

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