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Bellringer: Is there a specific window when children need to learn language skills? Read the case study about a little girl named Genie to find out.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Is there a specific window when children need to learn language skills? Read the case study about a little girl named Genie to find out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Is there a specific window when children need to learn language skills? Read the case study about a little girl named Genie to find out. Answer the questions on a half sheet of paper and turn in to the drawer.

2 5B- Piaget Cognitive Development

3 Infancy and Childhood Maturation: The internally programmed growth of a child.

4 Why can a child who is 4 not understand how to play hide and seek but a child who is 7 can?

5 Jean Piaget Swiss Psychologist
Thought intelligence, or the ability to understand, developed gradually Observed and questioned children to find out why children at different ages understand at different levels Concluded: intellectual development involves quantative changes (growth in the amount of information) and qualitative changes (differences in the manner of thinking)

People grow in stages Understanding the world involves construction of schemas : Mental representations of the world Assimilation: trying to fit new objects into schemas

7 Schemas Accomodation: change a schema to fit the new object
When events do not fit into existing schemas, new and grander schemas have to be created explains how children begin to see and understand things in new ways

8 Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor : Birth- 2 Preoperational: 2-7 years Concrete Operational: 7-11 years Formal Operational: 11+ years

9 Create this chart on your paper
Piaget’s Stages Characteristics of Stage Example of stage

10 Sensorimotor (0-2 years)
Primarily explores the world with senses rather than through mental operations Imitation of people/animals Development of representational thought: ability to picture something in the mind object permanence: an object exists even when it can’t be seen/touched

11 Preoperational (2-7 years)
Use symbolic thoughts, not yet able to use logic Understanding of numbers and ability to classify Egocentricism: centered on the individual self, and considering it to be the hub of all experience

12 Concrete operational (7-11 years)
Characterized by the appropriate use of logic, but not abstract thinking. Conservation: principle that a given quantity does not change when its appearance is changed.

13 formal operational (11+ years)
Understands abstract ideas and hypothetical situations; capable of logic and deductive reasoning.

14 Bellringer: Name the 4 stages of Piaget’s cognitive development.

15 Agenda Finish Cognitive Development discussion
Cognitive Development Experiment Assignment Parenting Style Quiz Learning Targets: 1. I can summarize the cognitive development theory. 2. I can compare and contrast parenting styles.

16 Critical Period for attachment
Just like there is a critical period for learning languages – there is also one for forming attachments to a caregiver Studied by Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation room

17 Assignment – Piaget Experiment
Create 4 experiments for parents, teachers, or psychologists that reflect one of the abilities developed in each of Piaget’s stages (Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational). For each stage: (What to write) Identify the stage (_/4 pts) Identify the skill you will test (_/12 pts) Describe experiment used to test the skill. (Step by step procedure) (_/20 pts) Explain what counts as “passing” and what counts as “failing.” (_/20points) Illustrate! (_/8 pts) Total points: 64 pts

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