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Warm up 1.2 Describe one of your family members using 3 adjectives we just learned in Spanish. REMEMBER: “o” is used at the end of the adjective to describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 1.2 Describe one of your family members using 3 adjectives we just learned in Spanish. REMEMBER: “o” is used at the end of the adjective to describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 1.2 Describe one of your family members using 3 adjectives we just learned in Spanish. REMEMBER: “o” is used at the end of the adjective to describe a male and “a” is used at the end of the adjective to describe a female.

2 The verb ser = “to be” First let’s look at our subject pronouns in English…
I  I am tall. you  You are tall. he  He is tall. she  She is tall. it  It is tall we  We are tall. you (plural)  You (plural) are tall. they  They are tall.

3 Now let’s look at our subject pronouns in Spanish…
yo = I tú = you (informal) él = he  **NOTA: “el” without an accent means “the” ella = she usted = you (formal) nosotros (as) = we vosotros (as) = you (plural)  WE WILL NOT CONJUGATE FOR THIS FORM ellos = they (masculine or mixed gender) ellas = they (feminine) ustedes = you (plural) (formal)

4 In this chapter we will only be working with the following subject pronouns…
yo = I tú = you (informal) él = he ella = she

5 The verb ser = “to be” yo soy  I am tú eres  You (informal) are
él/ella es  He/she is Yo soy alto.  I am tall. Tú eres alto. You (informal) are tall. Él es alto.  He is tall. Ella es alta.  She is tall.

6 The verb ser… To make a sentence negative, you simply put no in front of the verb. - Antonio es alto. Él no es bajo. *Antonio is tall. He is not short. - Yo soy gracioso. Yo no soy serio. *I am funny. I am not serious.

7 Now let’s learn some question words…
Who? = ¿Quién? What? = ¿Qué? How? = ¿Cómo? Where? = ¿Dónde? From where? = ¿De dónde? Of what nationality? = ¿De qué nacionalidad? No? / Right? = ¿No?

8 Let’s combine the verb “ser” with a question word…
1. ¿de dónde eres tú? (From where are you?  Where are you from?) **Since the question is in the “you form” what would we respond with? - Yo soy de __________. (I am from _________). 2. ¿de dónde es ella? (From where is she?  Where is she from?) - Ella es de _________. (She is from ________).

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