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Presentation on theme: "BIOLOGY NOTES GENETICS PART 3 PAGES ,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Standard: ____ Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system. Describe the process of human development from fertilization to birth and major changes that occur in each trimester of pregnancy. 5.16

3 Essential Questions: 1. How does the fetus develop from
fertilization to birth?

4 I. Reproductive Systems
In order for a species to continue, reproduction of new individuals must occur. Each individual begins as a single ____ and continues to grow through the process of _______ until enough cells have been created to sustain life in the outside world. Reproductive System = a collection of specialized _______, glands and _______ that help to produce a new _________ being cell mitosis organs tissues individual


6 In humans, reproductive organs are not fully functional until ________
puberty = a period of rapid _______ and sexual maturation during which the reproductive system becomes fully __________ puberty growth functional

7 A. The Male Reproductive System
The main function of the male reproductive system is to produce and deliver _______ The testes are the male reproductive organ responsible for the production of _______ and stored in the ________ outside of the body the hormones _____ and ____ stimulate the testes to produce ______ sperm sperm scrotum FSH LH sperm


9 The testes are outside of body because it is about ___ cooler which sperm require for proper __________ Seminiferous ________ inside the testes actually make the sperm For sperm to exit the organism, it must move into the ___________, through the ____ deferens and out of the ______ There are approximately _____ million sperm per drop in semen formation tubules vas epididymis penis 2.5

10 B. The Female Reproductive System
The main function of the female reproductive system is to produce ____ (egg) AND provide a nourishing environment for an ________ Unlike males who produce _______ continuously throughout their lifetime, females only produce one mature ____ or egg each _______ (about every ___ days) ova embryo sperm ova month 28


12 Eggs are stored in the ______ or the female reproductive organ
Each egg has clusters of ________ attached to it which help the egg become _______ before leaving the ______ ovulation = the release of a mature egg from the ______ ovary follicles mature ovary ovary


14 For eggs to exit the ovary, it must move into the _________ tube and into the______ cavity
if the egg is _________ then it will implant in the _______ and an embryo will form if the egg is NOT ________ then it will exit the _______ through the ______ and out of the vagina uterus fallopian fertilized uterus fertilized uterus cervix


16 fallopian tube egg cell egg released corpus luteum uterine wall ovary follicle uterus 5 to 7 days to uterus

17 Remember, the function of the female reproductive system is NOT just to make eggs but to also provide a nourishing ____________ which comes from the _______ every time an egg is released, the uterus prepares for an implanted ________ if the egg is not fertilized, then the lining of the uterus will ______ and exit with the unfertilized egg through the _______ and out of the vagina environment uterus embryo shed cervix

18 Menstruation = the phase of the menstrual ______ in which unfertilized _____ and the lining of the ________ actually _____ the female body cycle eggs uterus exits

19 C. Stages of Pregnancy Eggs usually become _________ by sperm in the _________ tubes Zygote = a fertilized _____ fertilized fallopian egg

20 as soon as the zygote is formed, it undergoes _________ which increases the number of cells
about __ days after the formation of the zygote, the embryo is approximately ___ cells large and called a ________ the ___________ is what implants or embeds itself in the wall of the _______ from here the embryo will continue to grow in _____ and the cells will ____________ or become specialized until the fetus is born (this takes approximately __ months in humans) mitosis 4 64 morula blastocyst uterus size differentiate 9



neurulation = the beginning development of the _________ system the placenta forms placenta = the connection between a _______ and a developing ________ through which nutrients and _______ are passed (through the process of _________!!!!) nervous mother embryo wastes diffusion

24 eye formation, jaws, arms, legs, fingers, hands, toes become __________
fetus = name of embryo at week __ of pregnancy umbilical cord ______ from placenta to ________ by week ___, the baby has all the major ______ systems partially developed fetal heartbeat develops noticeable 8 forms mother 11 organ



bone formation begins and early _________ develops hair covers the ______ the fetus begins ___________ that can be felt by the ________ hearing is well __________ and there is evident rapid ____ movement skeleton fetus movement mother developed eye


organ systems _______ and the fetus ________ in mass regulation of body ___________ is now possible the central nervous system and lungs complete their development the fetus moves into head down into the ______ and awaits birth mature doubles temperature pelvis


31 II. Cell Differentiation = the process by which unspecialized cells develop into mature ______ and __________ The function of a cell will be determined by its ________ within an embryo once a cell’s function is determined, the cell will only use parts of the _____ needed to help with that particular function forms functions location DNA

32 Stem cells = a cell that can divide for long periods of time while remaining _______________
stem cells are classified according to which _____ of cell they can become: a. totipotent stem cell = a type of stem cell which can become ____ type of cell e.g. undifferentiated type any fertilized egg

33 b. pluripotent stem cell = a type of stem cell which can become ____ type of cell EXCEPT a totipotent stem cell e.g. c. multipotent stem cell = a type of stem cell that can only grow into _______ related cells any embryonic stem cell closely adult stem cell


35 First, an egg is fertilized by a sperm cell in a petri dish
First, an egg is fertilized by a sperm cell in a petri dish. The egg divides, forming an inner cell mass. These cells are then removed and grown with nutrients. Scientists try to control how the cells specialize by adding or removing certain molecules.


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