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Warm-Up Why do you think religion is such an important concept to people? - Please avoid talking about your personal beliefs!!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Why do you think religion is such an important concept to people? - Please avoid talking about your personal beliefs!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Why do you think religion is such an important concept to people? - Please avoid talking about your personal beliefs!!

2 Objectives Identify several reasons why Christianity emerged within the Roman Empire and spread. Examine the work of key figures involved in Jesus’s life and teachings by playing “I have Who has” game.

3 K W L CHARTS You have 5 minutes.
Fill out the K and W sections only!!!! You have 5 minutes.

4 Christianity and the Roman Empire

5 Beginning our game Take out a sheet of paper.
Person with card “A” begins. Read side that asks “Who has?” Then person with correct answer says “I Have …”

6 When in Rome???? Unlike the Romans who practiced polytheism, Jews only worshipped one god.

7 A New Religion Christianity emerged based upon the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

8 A place called home Rome conquered Judea in 63 A.D., which was home to many Jews.

9 Come in Peace The Jews thought a messiah or “God’s anointed one” would return.

10 Jesus of Nazareth Jesus lived around the first century A.D. and his birth marks the transition from B.C. to A.D.

11 Moment of Silence Crucifixion is a type of execution in which a person is nailed to a cross. Still used today as a way to get closer to God.

12 Rise and Shine Many Christians refer to Jesus’s rise from the dead as the resurrection, or when several groups of Jesus’s disciples claimed to see him again.

13 Golden Rules The main message from Jesus was to treat people well and you would be rescued from sin, or also called salvation.

14 Same but different Even though there are many denominations, or branches, all Christians share common religious beliefs despite their differences.

15 A Chosen few The 12 disciples chosen to receive special training were called apostles.

16 Gossip in the Gospel Jesus’s disciples wrote accounts of his life and teachings and they are called gospels.

17 A Growing Movement In the Roman world, Paul of Tarsus traveled spreading Christian beliefs to everyone who listened.

18 Break away Paul’s ideas helped the Christian church break away from Judaism by telling Christians they did not have to obey all Jewish laws and rituals.

19 Punishment Many Roman emperors persecuted Christians due to fear of unrest in the empire.

20 Drastic Change By the early 300s, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and removed the ban on religion in the Roman Empire.

21 Artwork behold Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper depicting Jesus’s final meal with the Apostles before his arrest.

22 Closing Questions Who was Paul and what did he do?
How did Pax Romana help the spread of Christianity into Rome? Why did the Romans dislike Christians? How did Christianity Grow?

23 Closing Question answers
Apostle who spread ideas about Christian teachings around the Roman Empire Allowed safe travel and trade---> spread ideas Christians refuse to worship Roman gods. Embraced all people Gave hope to the powerless Emperor Constantine converted

24 Warm-Up START A NEW WARM UP SHEET 1. Name two reasons why Christianity spread in the Roman Empire? 2. What marks the transition from B.C. to A.D.?

25 Objectives Examine reasons for both HOW & WHY the Roman Empire failed.
Create a mosaic related to the history of Rome.


27 Fall of Rome Turn to page 339 in textbook.
Find “Building Background” section in blue. Follow along and fill in your paper with the recording.

28 In the Atlas – page 38-39 ON YOUR MAP SHOW Orange Blue
- Territory of Judea Blue - Cities with Christian community by 300 A.D. Purple -Area where Jews lived by 300 A.D. -Jewish Revolt site ON BACK Answer questions on board. Green - Paul’s route in spreading Christianity Red - Cities with Christian Community by 100 A.D.

29 Warm-Up Try to give one example of an internal threat to society, and one external threat. What does it mean if someone is corrupt? Be specific.

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