100 Years War and Joan of Arc

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1 100 Years War and Joan of Arc


3 Background William won the Battle of Hastings = King of England
but still maintained some land in France The French resented this and many battles were fought for control of these areas


5 100 Years War Struggle between the monarchs and nobles of France and England War began over who should be King of France The French supported Philip (cousin of dead king Charles) English supported Edward III (nephew of the dead king)

6 Think About It? Why do you think the war lasted so long?
What might have contributed to the length of the war?

7 Technology and Tactics
English advantage was archers Archers were ordinary villagers who used a longbow In 3 important battles, French knights refused to fight the ‘low birth’ archers and tried to ride past them to the English knights This didn’t work out well for them!

8 What happened? During the war the English controlled large areas of France, but by the end they only held the port city of Calais The French won Ideas of Nationalism were born in both England and France


10 Think about it? What is Nationalism?
Can you think of examples of Nationalism in Canada?

11 Why 100 Years? Lasted from 1338-1453 (115 years)
Why did it last so long? Frequent truces Often did not fight in the winter


13 How did the 100 Years war lead to the decline in Feudalism???
Common archers made knights obsolete

14 Think About It? How did the end of knights help end feudalism?
What changed?

15 Joan of Arc 1429, 17 year old Joan arrived
at French court claiming voices had told her to drive the English out of France The dauphin (eldest son of French king) gave her armour and troops She was a very inspirational leader Most famous victory was the capture of Orleans

16 Think about it? Why was it unusual that she became a military leader?

17 Joan of Arc Helped the people of France rally together behind their king Began to think of themselves as a nation (vs. individual fiefdoms) Played a role in the decline of Feudalism

18 Joan of Arc Captured by the English and King Charles (France) refused to pay her ransom Put to trial for witchcraft and heresy (going against the church) 1431 burned at the stake at the age of 19


20 The end of feudalism What have we learned about that contributed to the end of feudalism (so far) ?

21 The Real Joan of Arc Critical Thinking Task

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