Ms. Alderson’s Superheroes A Peek at Our Week Mark Your Calendar

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1 Ms. Alderson’s Superheroes A Peek at Our Week Mark Your Calendar
2nd Grade Ms. Alderson’s Superheroes Week of March 5, 2018 WEEKLY HOMEWORK A Peek at Our Week Reading: Fairy Tales and Folktales We will learn how to compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors or from different cultures. Also, we will notice the differences in the points of view of the characters. Writing Choose a writing prompt from the March writing calendar Math IXL Mentally add and subtract 10 and 100 from any 3-digit number Math: 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction We will learn how to add and subtract within 1,1000 using concrete models or drawings and mentally add or subtract 10 or 100 to a given number Spelling Choose an activity from the March challenge board Writing: Opinion Writing We will learn how to write an opinion piece in which we introduce the topic, state an opinion, supply reason that support the opinion, use linking words, and provide a concluding statement. Reading Read for 20 minutes and retell the events of the story in order Raz-kids Review Stars study guide (on the back of last week’s newsletter) Science/SS/Health: Stars/Sun We will compare and contrast our sun with other stars- physical attributes size and brightness. Science/Social Studies Class Blog: Spelling & Word Study Spelling Pattern Language Skill Mark Your Calendar Silent Letter Combinations We will learn the following silent letter combination sounds: kn, wr, gn, mb, lk, mn, gh Ex: write, knee, lamb, half, knock, wrist, gnat, laugh, rough Shades of Meanings We will distinguishes shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives March 5- Field Trip to Fire Safety Village March 9- School-Wide STEM Day March 14- Early Release Day March 26- WellStar Wheelwise In-house field trip Weekly Words No weekly words

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