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Session title : Apprenticeships in PE and School Sport Deliverers: Jill Eaton Jo Pountney Clare McCawley.

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2 Session title : Apprenticeships in PE and School Sport Deliverers: Jill Eaton Jo Pountney Clare McCawley

3 Section title Young apprentice! Using apprenticeships to develop young people and expand your school sport workforce. Find out about how you can implement apprenticeships in your area to help young people develop skills for life and employability, whilst growing your workforce at the same time

4 Aim: Context and Background of Sporting Futures Training/UK Bringing the program to Life Model of Delivery Becoming an Apprenticeship Hub site Next Steps

5 Stevenage SSP – Innovation Award YST 2007/8 Home- Grown Coaching workforce – 5 Partnership Coaches August 2011 Stevenage became Stevenage Sporting Futures Team cic – staff retained through primary school contributions - reduced hours Sporting Futures Training /Sporting Futures UK was established - gained accreditation to deliver qualifications and apprenticeships 12 Apprentices employed initially through SFT and deployed in both primary and secondary schools using Extended Opportunities Funding The Journey

6 Value of programme recognised- Primary schools wanted to retain and employ their apprentices for a 2 nd year 2012/2013 Created a pathway for an Advanced Apprenticeship : Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning with a PE focus- 6 youngsters retained 2012/2013 : 28 Apprentices and model was expanded to include an SGO workforce across Herts 2013/2014 : 83 Apprentices with model expanding across SGO networks

7 Title : Bringing the Program to Life Lilli Bentley : Cavendish Sports College, Hemel Hempstead Adam Baker : Longmeadow Primary School, Stevenage

8 Example of Qualification Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship Working with Active IQ Level 2 Qualifications 1.Activity Leadership 2.Leading Health related Activities 3.Employers Awareness 4.Functional Skills Progression : Advanced Apprenticeship Level 3 Diploma in Support Teaching and Learning ( Cache ) 1 st 4 sport Level 3 in PE and School Support. 8

9 TAQA 3 Teaching, Assessing and Quality Assurance Potentially Identified staff become trained as Assessors for work-based Learning.

10 The Expansion of the program Recognising the opportunities given and created for young people to aspire and achieve through PE and School Sport. SFT wanted to support, sustain and retain the PE and School Sports Networks that had been created through the SSPs. North Herts School Sport Partnership

11 Title : Delivery in Practice VIDEO

12 12 Apprenticeship Hub SGO Host YST Partner School Primary School Model 1: SGO Apprenticeship Host Apprentice Model shows 6 Apprentices attached to the Hub site. 1 day a week the hub site takes responsibility working with & Training the Apprentices Apprentices could be the workforce for School games and/or delivery within the PE and School Sports local community

13 How it can work : Clare McCawley SGO Dacorum PE and School Sports Network LCV Hubsite

14 How to become an Apprenticeship Hub site - Criteria Recognise and Value the opportunities that the hub site model could bring to young people, your school and your PE and School Sport network Would the model be appropriate for your area ? Identify an individual to become the Lead Tutor and support their training needs and release time to prepare and develop the program for September 2014 start. 14

15 School on their own If there is a school on their own who would like an Apprentice we would need to evaluate the potential linkage with a local Apprenticeship Hub site OR Allocate a field Assessor to the role of overseeing the Apprentice. 15

16 Requirements from schools Please bear in mind if you are a school who wants to develop the programme without the commitment of the Assessing/Training role then this is a possibility. We could potentially assign a Field Assessor to work with your center, however, there would be no financial contribution to support this model of delivery. 16

17 What we would need from you Lead Apprentice Hub Site Contact details of Identified Lead Assessor/Tutor Initial meeting to discuss potential personalised model and immediate timelines in prep for Sept 2014 start Availability at 3 Training days, 2 dates confirmed as 8 th / 9 th May 2014 and one in July 2014 to support with advocacy and set up of program within your designated area Lead tutor will be required to undertake their TAQA qualification between now and December 2014 Advocacy of program amongst key community partners and schools Information Evenings Strategic Overview 17 Sporting Futures Training/UK Will deliver training and support for TAQA qualification Will provide all necessary administration and advocacy documents to support the development of the program at the identified level. Will provide resources and training support for delivery of qualifications Provide tutor support for functional skills.

18 Finances – Cost to School 18 Level 2 Intermediate Apprentice in their first year of Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Cost £80 a week for 52 weeks Total = £4200 Government Wage Subsidy if applicable £1500 Total cost to school = £2700 Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Cost £150 a week for 52 weeks Total = £7800 Sporting Futures will make a financial contribution per Apprentice for Mentoring and Training

19 What can we offer? Accredited Training Provider Awarding Bodies with whom we work : Currently sub-contracted to provide Apprenticeships through 19

20 Next Steps What further information do you need ? Discuss with your school the nature of your potential involvement. Complete an Expression of interest form and leave with us today. Once discussed back at base we would like to meet with schools individually if you would like to move forward for September 2014 ? 20

21 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Jill Eaton Tel : 07901 603292 Jo Pountney Tel : 07930 333430

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