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Championing Young Peoples Learning Foundation Learning 2010-11 Regional Briefing David Sangster Policy Manager (FL) Championing Young Peoples Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Championing Young Peoples Learning Foundation Learning 2010-11 Regional Briefing David Sangster Policy Manager (FL) Championing Young Peoples Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Championing Young Peoples Learning Foundation Learning 2010-11 Regional Briefing David Sangster Policy Manager (FL) Championing Young Peoples Learning

2 What is Foundation Learning? Championing Young Peoples Learning

3 Latest developments What is Foundation Learning ? (i) The Wolf Review – an independent review of vocational education – focusing on the effectiveness of the overall structure of the vocational offer 4 key considerations How to improve the 14-19 vocational offer? Who are the appropriate target audience? Principles underpinning content, structure and teaching methods How to improve positive destinations? To begin as we speak and to report by the spring of 2011 The Wolf Review – an independent review of vocational education – focusing on the effectiveness of the overall structure of the vocational offer 4 key considerations How to improve the 14-19 vocational offer? Who are the appropriate target audience? Principles underpinning content, structure and teaching methods How to improve positive destinations? To begin as we speak and to report by the spring of 2011

4 Championing Young Peoples Learning Key facts about FL What is Foundation Learning ? (ii) Foundation Learning (FL) is a national programme of learning for 14 to 19 year old learners working predominantly at entry level or level 1 Data analysis suggests the potential FLcohort could be up to 20% of 14-19 year olds Learners follow personalised programmes with qualifications drawn off the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Learning programmes will include components of vocational/subject learning; Functional Skills and Personal and Social Development There is a strong focus on supporting the learner to progress and reach their full learning potential FL will be crucial in supporting the overall aims of increasing participation, attainment and progression for all young people Foundation Learning (FL) is a national programme of learning for 14 to 19 year old learners working predominantly at entry level or level 1 Data analysis suggests the potential FLcohort could be up to 20% of 14-19 year olds Learners follow personalised programmes with qualifications drawn off the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Learning programmes will include components of vocational/subject learning; Functional Skills and Personal and Social Development There is a strong focus on supporting the learner to progress and reach their full learning potential FL will be crucial in supporting the overall aims of increasing participation, attainment and progression for all young people

5 Championing Young Peoples Learning Key components of a Foundation Learning programme Initial engagement Further Education Apprentice ships Employment Supported employment Vocational/ subject based learning Functional Skills Personal and Social Development learning Information, Advice and Guidance Personalised learning programme 14-19 destinations: Independent living

6 Championing Young Peoples Learning The Foundation Learning Qualification Catalogue The Catalogue contains information around: Qualification Title and Size Level Sector Awarding Organisation Age range approved for use Achievement and Attainment Table points Each of the three components of the FL offer Functional Skills, Subject and Vocational learning and personal/social development are colour coded to allow you to identify which qualifications will allow learners to meet the minimum credit requirements for each of the components Find out more about Foundation Learning on the QCDA Website:

7 Championing Young Peoples Learning Characteristics of effective delivery (see LSC/QCDA Delivery Guidance issued Aug 2009) Personalised Learning Learning should be tailored to the needs and aspirations of individuals. Effective Initial Assessment and Ongoing Review Rigorous systems should be in place to profile (and regularly review) individual learners skills and abilities, and to plan personalised learning programmes and support. Coherent delivery of Learning Programmes Each personalised programme should be delivered in a coherent and integrated manner. The lead provider for each learner should maintain an active overview of all the learning that the individual is undertaking. Recognition of Achievement and Progression Learning programmes must be designed to support learners to progress to Level 2 or to achieve at the highest level appropriate. For a minority of learners with SEN or LDD, progression will be about consolidating learning already achieved and/or transferring that learning into different contexts. Support for Learners Learners should be positively supported throughout their learning programme. Providers should identify any support requirements during the initial assessment and keep these under review throughout the learning programme. Partnerships Providers will need to work in partnership with their LA, other providers and related stakeholders such as Connexions. Successful partnership working is expected to include joint planning; staff development activities; sharing expertise, resources, facilities; and developing common processes. Leadership and Management Effective FL practice is based on a strong commitment from management and a whole organisation approach to delivery. Workforce development is also essential, and management information, with systematic collection of learner information and data, should inform provision and support for learners.

8 Championing Young Peoples Learning How are we doing it? Championing Young Peoples Learning

9 What support is available The main source of support for LAs and providers, either already delivering or preparing to deliver FL, has been the LSIS (Learning and Skills Improvement Service) support programme A range of online resources, including guidance, case studies can be found at the following link:- Further sources of support and guidance include: QCDA Local authorities YPLA regional points of contact

10 Championing Young Peoples Learning What are the benefits? Championing Young Peoples Learning

11 Learner benefits Young people will be able to build confidence through the positive achievement of qualifications which are nationally recognised at a pace appropriate to them The FL curriculum is specifically designed to facilitate progression to further learning and employment including Apprenticeships. The chance to secure bite size achievements to learners who traditionally tune out the qualification culture

12 Championing Young Peoples Learning Provider benefits The FL model offers a framework for local collaboration and opportunities to drive up overall demand for learning. Used correctly by ensuring learners are on the right programme of the right size, with the right degree of stretch will improve retention and increase success which in turn will generate more funding, better reputation and higher inspection grades.

13 Championing Young Peoples Learning Further information and questions Championing Young Peoples Learning

14 Further sources of information.. LSIS support programme website: includes guidance, case studies and information on other support activities such as events and consultancy support DfE have updated their website and the link to Foundation Learning is here - ng ng YPLA website: list of key documents to download via the publications tab QCDA website: includes the FL qualifications catalogue and a practically oriented factsheet for providers:

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