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Approaches used to develop performance

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1 Approaches used to develop performance
2(h) Describing approaches to develop performance. From your personal development programme, select and describe an approach that you used to develop (i) factor 1 (ii) factor 2

2 Approaches Approaches are training methods used to develop and improve performance. You will have to give an example and describe an approach you used to develop factor 1 (physical) and factor 2 (mental or emotional)

3 Examples of approaches

4 Approaches in badminton – fitness
If Fitness/movement around the court is a weakness we may decide to chose physical conditioning as our approach/training method. You can include some run bases activities along with body exercises but keep it relevant to the badminton by training on the court. Watch some of the clips from the links given. _Y5NjXsQ DUpyovLw Bn2nqsY2c iF9P-ULI AnHMqQiA&list=PLFFD1FEFF9FAAE7 62&index=7

5 Approaches - Skills training
Cons Shadow This is where the movement patterns and the body position required to perform the skill are rehearsed without the use of equipment.  The practice does not put the performer under pressure and allows the performer to get a feel or the movement. Can be very boring Do not use all equipment Not game related Repetitive practice Training practice that repeats a particular skill over and over (note: repetition can be used with all types of practice). The intention is to make the skill more natural and automatic. This method eliminates the distraction of the game and other skills Can be boring If repeated too much it can cause fatigue Not game like Pressure drills Once a skill has been practiced and the basic movements and criteria established, different types of demands (pressure) can be added to further improve the skill. For example the speed at which the movements have to be repeated, the physical demands of the skill or the level of opposition. This provides a more game-like situation. Skill level may drop, success rate may drop, fatigue can set in easily Conditioned game In order to improve a skill the normal rules of a game can be changed so that the skill being learned occurs more often or has greater importance. This will encourage more individual skill involvement, easier decision-making and more specific coach feedback. Players may get frustrated

6 Approaches – skill - Skills training
Shadow drill – smash helps you break down your skill without the equipment so you get a feel of the correct action Repetitive drill – overhead clear 15 serves each – this helps you to practice the skill over and over so it becomes automatic. Pressure drills can be overloading the attack or defence or working at a faster speed. This helps develop the skill (once mastered) to make it more game-like so you are performing your skill at a higher level. Conditioned game- must play a high serve and smash then play the rally out ( you would adapt the rules to suit whatever shot you are working on, so you practice that within the game ).

7 Approaches – mental Visualisation subconsciously seeing what you want to happen in the game and playing /rehearsing it over in your mind, so that the outcome will be more positive in reality. Positive self talk – using the 3 R’s recognise, regroup, refocus Deep breathing to help stay focus or reduce anxiety/arousal

8 Approaches – emotional
Deep breathing Positive self talk Team talks Conflict management techniques ( silence, deep breathing, count to 10 etc)

9 Approaches – social Team building exercises
sjzyxXFU&list=PLE6aKYI9S4tkTqNfVG13QjVNN0NXu5KcB Active listening Team talks Pair/group work Environment checklist National initiatives/events Role models Team dynamics

10 Put the following approaches under the correct heading of physical, mental, emotional and social.

11 give an example and describe an approach you used to develop factor 1 (physical) and factor 2 (mental or emotional) Factor 1 – physical – skills Approach: shadow drill I used a shadow drill to help develop my overhead clear in badminton. I worked with the racket but not the shuttle and rehearsed the break down of the skill 10 times x 3 sets This helped me get a feel of the action of the shot without being under any pressure and was easier for me to correct any mistakes. I then moved onto rehearsing action of the shot to and from base position to the back of the court x10. Factor 2 – emotional – anger Approach: positive self talk This approach helped me focus on positive thought instead of negative. So every time I said something negative in my head, I changed it to positive. For instance, instead of saying how silly my mistake was- I tell myself to how successful I can and should and will be. Using positive key words helps me regroup and refocus on the game.

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