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English 10 Communication.

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1 English 10 Communication

2 Communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages in order to share meaning.

3 we need to communicate to fulfill our needs:
Physically Socially Psychologically (emotional and mental needs)

4 Five functions of communication:
to inform to express feelings to express imagination to perform social rituals to persuade

5 Terms to know: Feedback The receiver tells you in some way how accurately he or she received your message. RESPONSE Channel The means through which a message is transmitted.

6 Encoding Selecting the best message and channel to make your point. Decoding The receiver’s filtering process.

7 Describes the breakdowns in accurate communication.
Interference Describes the breakdowns in accurate communication. COMMUNICATION

8 Two types of interference
External Blocks the sender’s message from reaching the receiver ( something in the environment). Internal Exists within the communicators.

9 Communication Model – Receiver Sender Message Feedback Interference
Hi baby! Feedback Hi cutie pie! Want to go to the game with me? Interference

10 Types of speeches Impromptu Manuscript speech Memorized Extemporaneous
Speaking on the spur of the moment (without formal presentation or preparation). Manuscript speech Written out word for word. Memorized Requires you to memorize the speech and deliver it word for word without notes. Extemporaneous You prepare, outline, and practice then deliver using a few notes.

11 Vocal Characteristics
Pitch The highness or lowness of a voice. Rate How quickly or slowly you speak. Volume The loudness or softness of your voice. Quality The overall sound of your voice.

12 This is a common problem among speakers.
Vocalized pauses This is a common problem among speakers. People fill in periods of silence with - “ah” “um” “you know” “okay” “like”

13 Speech anxiety   Speech anxiety is getting nervous when you speak in public.

14 of Americans is public speaking.
The biggest fear of 42% of Americans is public speaking.


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