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1 Explorers

2 Columbus Thought he reached the East Indies and called the inhabitants “los indios” A term mistakenly applied to all native peoples of the Americas Columbus was presented with caps and beads and other trifles. They gave Columbus what they had Columbus miscalculated where he was. Scholars believe he landed on an island in the Bahamas on the Caribbean Sea. These people were called the Taino, not Indians. Claimed the island for Spain Named it San Salvador “Holy Savior”

3 Columbus Second voyage to Americas in September 1493
Journeyed as an empire builder, not an explorer Commanded fleet of 17 ships and several hundred soldiers Brought 1,000 settlers Wanted to transform the islands of the Caribbean into colonies, or lands controlled by another nation

4 Columbus and Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange is the widespread exchange of plants, animals, cultures, diseases, and ideas between Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Lasting effects on the world Turning point in Native American History

5 Magellan First to circumnavigate the world!! Portuguese Explorer
What does this mean? Portuguese Explorer Magellan convinced king of Spain to fund voyage 230 men and 5 ships – sailed around southern end of South America into the mysterious waters of the Pacific Went months without seeing land and food supplies soon ran out Explored Guam and reached the Philippines Magellan became involved in a war there and was killed Crew sailed west toward home Out of Magellan’s original crew, only 18 men and one ship arrived back in Spain in 1522.


7 Treaty of Tordesillas Background:
Vasco da Gama reached port of Calicut, on the southwestern coast of India. Spices like cinnamon and pepper GAVE PORTUGAL A DIRECT SEA ROUTE TO INDIA Had voyaged 27,000 miles

8 Treaty of Tordesillas Columbus had thought he had reached India
Believing him to be right, Portugal suspected Columbus had claimed for Spain land that belonged to Portugal Rivalry became more intense

9 Treaty of Tordesillas Pope Alexander VI stepped in to keep peace
Suggested an imaginary line, drawn north to south of Atlantic Ocean (Line of Demarcation) All lands to the east would be Portugal; to the west Spain Treaty of Tordesillas signed in 1494 – gave Portugal modern-day Brazil



12 Aztecs/Cortes Came for gold Known as Conquistadors
Cortes = important conquistador Went to conquer Aztecs 600 soldiers 17 horses Dogs Cannons

13 Aztec/Cortes Montezuma was convinced Cortes was a god
Gave him access to Aztec gold as aw result Aztec city didn’t seem like it could be invaded = very advanced Aztecs rebelled against Montezuma and stoned him to death Cortes eventually retook the city Forced Aztecs to mine gold and silver Disease-ridden

14 Why did Cortes Defeat Aztecs?
Superior weaponry Received help from other native groups Measles, mumps, typhus infected the NA Died by the hundreds of thousands

15 Francisco Pizarro Conquistador Conquered mighty Inca Empire
Kidnapped Atahualpa (Inca’s leader) Spain had New Spain (Mexico and parts of Guatemala) and other parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean

16 Mestizos Spanish imposed culture on Natives
Spanish settlers to the Americas = peninsulares, mostly men Mestizo – mixed Spanish and NA Many of these descendants live in Latin American countries today

17 Ecomienda Spanish oppressed NA Wanted precious resources
NA farmed, ranched, mined for Spanish landlords Promised Spanish authorities they would treat NA well Many ended up abusing NA and many NA died

18 Priests Spanish priests came to spread Christianity
Criticized harsh labor of encomienda system Spanish ended up abolishing encomienda system in 1542

19 Missionaries Catholic Missionaries dominant throughout Spanish empire in Americas Wanted to convert NA Determined to rid “heathen” people of native religion Tried to impose Spanish culture on them Burned objects sacred to NA

20 Pope (with an accent on e) Rebellion
1680 – NA Pope organized rebellion Spaniards had accused Pope of practicing witchcraft Spanish driven out of New Mexico 400 Europeans killed NA burned Churches, executed priests, destroyed relics of Christianity 14 years and 4 military assaults for Spaniards to subdue region

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