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European Conquest Taking Notes Using a Timeline Chapter 7 Section 3.

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2 European Conquest Taking Notes Using a Timeline Chapter 7 Section 3

3 Key Terms for this section…. Francisco Pizarro Christopher Columbus Conquistador Atahualpa Mestizo Hacienda

4 Introduction 1528- 2 Spanish ships sailed toward Colombia and Ecuador Francisco Pizarro and his men were searching for riches They had seen gold, silver, and cloth on Incan rafts at sea. They had captured 3 Incas to serve as interpreters Pedro Cieza de Leon, a Spanish explorer reported how the towns people reacted…..

5 Europeans Arrive in the Americas 1400’s- European nations of Spain and Portugal were searching for new trade routes to Asia Goods such as spices and silk were known in Asia Columbus- an Italian explorer thought he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Columbus asked Portugal to sponsor the voyage, they refused He then asked Queen Isabella of Spain, she agreed Columbus set sail in 1492, 10 weeks later he spotted land

6 Exploration Dividing a Continent Spain and Portugal each sent explorers to the Americas They tried to stop each other from claiming the land there 1494- the two nations signed a treaty Treaty of Tordesillas set an imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole about 50 degrees west longitude Spain could settle and trade west of the line, and Portugal could do the same east of the line Line of Demarcation Because of the Treaty, Brazil’s language is Portuguese

7 The Success of the Conquistadors Conquistador- Conqueror They had the right to hunt for treasures and settle in the Americas In exchange, conquistadors gave Spain 1/5 of the treasures they found

8 Conquistadors Continued: Gonzalo Jinenez de Quesada conquered the Chibcha in just a few years.Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1519 and by 1521 he defeated the Aztec Empire. 1531-Spanish conquistadors sailed to the Pacific coast of SA and took 180 soldiers. Atahualpa didn’t pay attention to Pizarro 1532- Atahualpa was fighting his brother Nov. 15 th that year, Pizarro invited Atahualpa and his followers to a feast the next day 3 thousand men went unarmed Pizarro captured the emperorer

9 Atahualpa is defeated Spanish gunfire killed many of the Incans Atahualpa offered the Spanish treasure for his life He gave 24 tons of gold and silver 1534, he was killed by the Spanish The next year, Pizarro had conquered most of the Incan Empire Spanish had guns, cannons and horses, native Americans had not seen those things Europeans also carried diseases, smallpox, measles, and chicken pox Entire villages got sick and died as a result

10 Colonization The 1600’s Spain claimed land in much of the Americas. Lands stretched from southern South America north into the present-day United States. 1667, France took control of an area in northern S.A. that became French Guiana. Portugal claimed Brazil European Settlers arrive: Spain, Portugal and other European countries began to arrive in S.A. Missionaries were sent from the Catholic Church Others came for gold and other riches Newcomers used their superior force to suppress the native people

11 Spain Organizes Its Empire Spain controlled a vast portion of the Americas south He wanted to maintain strict control Divided the territory into provinces Appointed viceroys, or representatives who ruled the provinces in the king’s name A council supervised the colonial officials to make sure that they did not become too powerful

12 Continued…. Peru was one of the most important provinces Lima was the capital Social classes determined where people lived Most powerful people lived in the center of the city Mestizos lived on the outskirts of Lima Many Mestizos were poor, some middle class and few were wealthy Spanish forced the poor to work on Haciendas

13 The Effect of European Rule Spain gave it’s settlers encomiendas (the right to collect taxes and demand labor from the natives Forced natives to work on haciendas and in mines after the discovery of silver Natives died from overwork, malnutrition, and European disease. As a result of natives dying, the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa Brazil was colonized by Portugal Sugar plantations were produced and cattle ranches

14 Questions/Review Who visited the Incan Empire and destroyed it in what year? How was the Incan emperor deceived? Were Europeans views biased pertaining to the Native people of South America? What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? What two countries were involved? What happened to the natives as a result of European rule? Which country colonized Brazil, and was the outcome of that colonization?

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