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Social Science Vocabulary

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1 Social Science Vocabulary
Grade 7 List 7.2 Cripps

2 Apprentice Person who learns a trade from a master craftsman

3 Act of Toleration 1649 Maryland law which granted religious freedom to all Christians, including Catholics

4 Bacon’s Rebellion 1676 raid led by Nathaniel Bacon against Native Americans and the governor of colonial Virginia

5 Cash crop Crops that are grown to sell for profit

6 debtor Person who owes money

7 export Good traded OUT of a country

8 General Court Representative legislature of colonial Massachusetts

9 House of Burgesses Representative legislature of colonial Virginia

10 import Goods brought from another country

11 Indentured servant Person who agreed to work for 4-7 years in exchange for their trip to the colonies being paid for

12 Legislature Group of people who make the laws for an area (like our Congress)

13 Mason-Dixon Line Boundary that divided the Middle and Southern Colonies

14 Mayflower Boat that the Pilgrims came to the Americans on

15 Mayflower Compact 1620 agreement that told how the Pilgrims would rule their settlement. It was signed before they landed at Plymouth

16 mercantilism Idea that a country became strong by increasing trade with its colonies and building up its gold passage

17 Middle passage Slave trip from Africa to the colonies

18 Navigation Acts Series of 1650’s acts by parliament designed to control trade between England and their colonies

19 Parliament Representative legislature or assembly (Law-making body) of England

20 Pennsylvania Dutch German Settlers of Pennsylvania that were known as great craftspeople

21 persecution Mistreatment of a group of people because of their beliefs or other characteristics

22 Pilgrims Settlers of Massachusetts who came to the Americas for religious freedom

23 plantation Large Estates farmed by slaves in the southern Colonies

24 Puritans Group of English Protestants who dominated early colonial Massachusetts

25 Quakers Religious group associated with Pennsylvania that was against war and who believed all people were equal in God’s eyes

26 racism Belief that one race is superior to another

27 Raw materials Materials such as lumber that occur naturally in the environment

28 Religious freedom The ability to practice your religion

29 Representative government
When voters elect people to govern themselves

30 Slave codes Laws designed to keep slaves under control. For example, slaves were no allowed to read or write.

31 slavery When people are forced to do work for another person or group

32 Subsistence farming Growing just enough to feed your family. Usually due to poor soil or poor climate

33 tolerance Willingness to put up with other people’s beliefs and ideas.

34 Triangular trade Colonial trade route between colonial New England, Africa and West Indies.

35 Yankee traders Merchants from New England who dominated colonial trade

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