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Presentation on theme: "WORLD RELIGION."— Presentation transcript:


2 We have a question that science CAN NOT necessarily answer, such as:
INTRODUCTION We have a question that science CAN NOT necessarily answer, such as: Where are we heading? Why are we on earth?

3 Origins of that religion are human beings
Devine Religions: Origins are a divine being, not a creation e.g. Islam , Christianity , Judaism Man made religions: Origins of that religion are human beings Buddhism

4 Islamic Perspective of Religion:
It has a logically meaningful sense It has to be divine (revealed from God) Islamic Perspective when going through a hard time: Test from Allah (swt) Warning from Allah (swt) Punishment from Allah (swt)

5 Seven Dimensions of a religion:
Exponential/Faith Doctrinal Ethical Ritual Social Meterial Mythical Exponential: Religions commonly begins with religious experiences of individuals. Example: A young prince named Guatoma experienced enlightment under the Bohdi tree he named Buddha & Budhism was born. Prophet (saw) experienced revelation from Allah, Islam began to take form. Religious experiences can be part of anyone's religious life they don’t always result in a new religion.

6 Faith: Generally belongs to the category “religious” experiences even though it has doctrinal aspects in the new testament, for example: Apostle Paul describes Faith as being closely related to experience of the holy spirit. Ethical: Religions devote much attention to ethics. Ethical dimension may include sets of teachings (Ex. 10 commandments, Buddhist ideal for compassion, similar to Christian ideal love for one’s neighbour) Social: Religions naturally involve communities and must consider the communities aspect of religion significance. Sense of community, belonging to a group, tribe or congregation. Shared experience in community often result in forming an organization, including hierarchy of leadership. Ex: 1 level for Priest and another level for adherents. Taoist Sage & Christian Saints. Mythical: We usually take myths as false stones of world religions myth actually convey certain truths, western base perspective of history and science taking knowledge of imperial observations and rational thinking where as myths , non-historical and non-rational. There sources of sacred truth, give meaning to life. They take form of stories that are passed on through generations and are usually told orally. Mythical ideas don’t depend on history or science but they stay sacred truth for Jews, Christians and muslims.

7 Doctrinal: Doctrines and other teachings commonly lived religious experiences. They are also derived from myths, Doctrines make sense of the content of experience and myth, often recorded in sacred text of scriptures. Along with other religious experiences that serve for the foundations of religions. Ritual: There forms of worship that are carried out through formal practices, in act a myth or sacred. For example: when muslims go for pilgrimage to Makkah, this reenacts the sacred story of Prophet Muhammed (saw) original journey to Makkah. Material: Sacred architecture of cathedrals, temples and other structures of worship. Architectures in which we worship Gods (Idols) Books of scripture (Bible & Qur’an)

8 Please read Chapter 1 entitled:
“The Nature of a Religious Traditions” and copy the Question to your notebook. What is the human condition? What is spiritual perfection? What is our destiny? What is the nature of the world? What is ultimate reality, and how is it revealed?

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