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Question of the day? What is the definition of sports medicine and what are the two domains?

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the day? What is the definition of sports medicine and what are the two domains?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the day? What is the definition of sports medicine and what are the two domains?

2 ANSWER 1) Combination of disciplines, including psychology, physiology, biomechanics, and pathology, associated with exercise and sport 2) “Performance Enhancement” and “Injury Care and Management”

3 Introduction to Sports Medicine
Objectives: -Define Sports Medicine -Understand Two Domains -Understand Different Professional Paths

4 What is Sports Medicine?
“Multidisciplinary, including the physiological, biomechanical, psychological, and pathological phenomena associated with exercise and sport” (American College of Sports Medicine) Goal: to improve and maintain a person’s ability to perform work, exercise, and/or sport Book states “True sports medicine specialists have training that allows them to specifically address the needs of athletes” (pg 4)

5 History of Sports Medicine
Herodicus=Father of Sports Medicine 5th century BC physician Not to be confused with Hippocrates Bad health=imbalance between diet and physical activity Exercise and massage to treat illness Strict diet, constant physical activity, and regular training Massage progression

6 Sports Medicine History Cont.
Worked with gladiators Mostly massage and some wrapping Called “boy rubbers” (male dominated) Evolved significantly to that of current times=many different professions

7 What is Sports Medicine? 2 Domains
Performance Enhancement Ex Phys Biomechanics Sports Psych Nutrition Strength and Cond Personal Training Coaching Phys Ed Injury Care and Management Medical Doctors Phys Therapy EMTs Massage Therapy Chiropractics Dentists ATHLETIC TRAINING

8 Pick 3!!!! Performance Enhancement Injury Care and Management Ex Phys
Biomechanics Spts Psych Nutrition Strength and Cond Personal Training Coaching Phys Ed Injury Care and Management Practice of Medicine Phys Therapy EMTs Massage Therapy Chiropractics Dentists ATHLETIC TRAINING

9 Exercise Physiologist
Bachelor’s degree in related field Pass ASEP BOC exam Goal: identify physiological mechanisms underlying physical activity and improve overall health Rehab (cardiac, resp, ortho) Ergonomic evaluations Nutritional counseling

10 Biomechanics Need bachelor’s degree and usually master’s (can be sport or engineering) Sport biomechanist Goal: use science, especially laws of physics, to investigate sports techniques and equipment, seeking ways to improve athletic performance and reduce injury risk Area of employment Research and clinical sites

11 Nutritionist Dietitian (RD)= help devise diet plans and provide diet counseling Bachelor’s degree, internship, passed exam Food technologist= develops new food products Nutritionist=usually has master’s degree Be careful (often misused)

12 Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Bachelor’s degree Pass CSCS exam through NSCA Area of employment: Athletic teams Gyms Training centers

13 Personal Training Sometimes done by CSCS No degree required
Must pass exam (can be done online) Various certification groups NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) ACE (American Council on Exercise) NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association)

14 Medical Doctor (MD) Undergrad degree (4 years)
Medical School (4 years: 2 preclinical, 2 clinical in different interest areas) Pass Licensing Exam Residency (3 years in interest area) Fellowship (1-3 years: become even more specialized)

15 Physician’s Assistant (PA)
Similar to MD, less education Bachelor’s degree and then 2-3 years in PA program Still rigorous (treating injury and illness; prescribing medication) Growing field

16 Physical Therapist Initially restorative aides during WW1
Must attend an accredited program Must pass national boards exam Current trend: DPT programs (3 years) Used to need bachelor’s only Areas of employment Clinics (ortho, burn, cardiac, etc.) Colleges and professional sports

17 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Technical school or community college Fieldwork experience Ambulance Emergency rooms Must pass EMT exam Three categories Basic, intermediate, paramedic

18 Athlete’s Circle of Care
Let’s discuss the diagram to make sure everyone understands it Athlete coaching staff athletic training staff personal doctor/parents rest of the sports med professionals

19 Homework Rd pp 4-14, 16-30 Assignment #2 (online):
One paragraph description of why you are taking this class (Due Monday)

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