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Enlightenment Thinkers

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1 Enlightenment Thinkers

2 Philosophers: Tried to apply the principles of scientific investigation to human nature/gov’t These were smart, talented guys who wanted to increase their social standing Goal was to limit elite/ aristocratic society HOWEVER, did not want to share political rights with women, children, peasants, laborers, slaves, or colored people

3 Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Nature of society– all men are bad
men must give up some personal freedom in order to have a peaceful society with a strong ruler

4 John Locke ( )


6 Popular Sovereignty Rulers derived their authority from the consent of those whom they governed man has the right to overthrow a ruler who does not protect those rights Locke changed the idea of sovereignty Does not come from rulers Instead comes from THE PEOPLE OTHER BIG IDEA Natural rights to life, liberty & property

7 Locke’s Blank Slate Theory
Individuals are born without built-in knowledge knowledge comes from experience and perception.


9 Voltaire ( )

10 Individual Freedom Religious tolerance Freedom of speech

11 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

12 Political & Legal Equality
Noble Savage – men were born good, society messed them up. Wanted to reform EDUCATION (universal) Social Contract Ideal society = all individuals would participate daily in creating the laws General will of the people

13 Montesquieu ( )

14 Separation of Government
Separation of governmental powers Checks and balances

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