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Boxer Rebellion and Sun Yat sen

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1 Boxer Rebellion and Sun Yat sen

2 End of 1800s - Foreign involvement in China = resentment towards foreigners - Social differences/tech gap fueled feelings - Diplomats assassinated, businesses vandalized, items burned - Qing government did not punish Chinese criminals for their actions The Righteous Harmony (Boxers) - Society that led rebellion - Anti-foreign *Against Christian converts and colonizing powers - Mistranslated as Fists of Righteous Harmony (“The Boxers”) - Mostly peasants - believed that peace = no hunger (“The Good Earth”)

3 Boxer Rebellion Overview (1899-1901). - Bloody, violent confrontation
Boxer Rebellion Overview ( ) - Bloody, violent confrontation - Boxers v. Westerners - final years of the Qing Dynasty - thousands died Chinese Christians missionaries The Eight-Nation Alliance ,000 foreign troops were called in to put down the uprising - Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the UK, and US - Entered Beijing in Ransack many historical artifacts of Chinese committed rapes and murders - Put down the Boxer Rebellion 55 days later *The failure of the dynasty to stand up to foreigners leads to the Republic of China Republic - a state in which power held by the people and their elected representatives

4  SUN YAT SEN ( ) Years in West made him dissatisfied with the gov’t of China - leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party *Influential in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty  *Revolution of 1911 or the Chinese Revolution ended Qing (child emperor) ~provincial leaders rebelled, others followed father of modern China, President of the Republic of China * democracy! - battled with Communists to retain control 孫文 / 孫中山 / 孫逸仙 Communism – theory advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

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