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What traditions does your family have

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1 What traditions does your family have
What traditions does your family have? List all of them or just pick one and write about it. Do you plan on continuing these traditions? Why or why not? Explain. If your family doesn’t have any, which traditions would you like to start? Explain. Journal Entry #3 Title: Family Traditions You have 7 minutes to write your response to the questions. Please use correct format, capitalization, and correct punctuation.

2 Tuesday: © Presto Plans

3 Tuesday: Mom: Mom is used here as a proper noun, so it should be capitalized. Were…two-hour: A plural subject is used (Mom and I), so were is the proper verb form. Numbers under 10 should be written. sister’s house, : Sisters indicates more than one sister. Sister’s indicates possession. A comma is added to set off introductory elements. and blowing: Verb tenses should agree in structure (picking / blowing). And should also be added. vehicles: This word was misspelled. drifts, and we: A comma separates two complete sentences with a conjunction (and). saw: The past tense of to see is saw. than: Then is mainly an adverb, often used to situate actions in time. Than is a conjunction used in comparisons. © Presto Plans

4 Summer Reading Exam Things you should know: There will be an essay.
What is ego and an egoist? Have specific details on whether Promethus is or isn’t an egoist. (Use tabs in the book to flag examples.) May use your books. There will also be multiple choice questions on the exam.

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