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Welcome! August 31st, 2017 Thursday

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1 Welcome! August 31st, 2017 Thursday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post.
What’s on your mind? © Presto Plans

3 Mom: Mom is used here as a proper noun, so it should be capitalized.
Were…two-hour: A plural subject is used (Mom and I), so were is the proper verb form. Numbers under 10 should be written. sister’s house, : Sisters indicates more than one sister. Sister’s indicates possession. A comma is added to set off introductory elements. and blowing: Verb tenses should agree in structure (picking / blowing). And should also be added. vehicles: This word was misspelled. drifts, and we: A comma separates two complete sentences with a conjunction (and). saw: The past tense of to see is saw. than: Then is mainly an adverb, often used to situate actions in time. Than is a conjunction used in comparisons. © Presto Plans

4 “The Red Convertible” Recap! What do we know about Lyman?
What is the relationship like between the narrator and his brother? What kinds of things do they do together? What was Henry like before the war?

5 “The Red Convertible” (After the War)
6. In the 2nd paragraph on page 7, the narrator describes the river as “at its limit, hard and swollen, glossy like an old gray scar.” What might be a possible symbolic meaning for the river? 7. Why do you think Henry went into the river? Was his intention to kill himself, or did he have another goal? 8. What do you think the red convertible represented to Lyman? To Henry? Why did Henry want to give his brother the car, and why did Lyman say he didn’t want it? Remember to consider the symbolic meaning of the car.

6 9. For the rest of the day, it’s your job to write a mini-essay (2-3 paragraphs) about what you think the theme of “The Red Convertible” is. What is the author trying to say or show us through her story? For full points, you will need: A clear thesis statement about what the theme is Hint: try to use one of the common Native American themes/topics from your notes! At least three specific examples from the story that support your proposed theme. These examples could be direct quotes, paraphrases, summaries, or just very specific examples. Remember to not just list your three reasons, but explain/give commentary about each example and why they prove your argued theme. Theme Essay!

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