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Trimester 3 Week 3 Final Major Project.

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1 Trimester 3 Week 3 Final Major Project

2 In the first week you were able to:
Identify your strengths within creative media Identify the skills you have gained within creative media Explore possible ideas for your Final major project

3 In the Week 2 you were able to :
Update your Learner progress tracker Originate range of ideas for FMP – at least three Produce SWOT analysis of your project ideas Analyse each idea for viability – use focus groups and lecturer to support your decision. Fill in Project Proposal form Start project research – product research Evaluate your work – update your learning progress tracker at the end of the week

4 In week 3 you will concentrate on the research:
Subject research / secondary: Anything and everything that is already written and done about your topic in form of written work, video, audio, interactive elements such as websites, blogs, Facebook, twitter, Instagram posts etc. Make sure to evidence end reference your findings. Evaluate your research findings in terms of: What particular piece of research informed you about your project (it could be important information, ideas such as design, technical elements of the project such as framing, lighting, editing etc.).

5 Secondary research Evaluate each piece of research in terms of:
How useful is the information found What particular part of the information found will assist you with your project Highlight paragraphs that you find interesting and informative and comment on what can you use that information for. At the end summarise all you secondary research. What information have you found, how useful the secondary research was over all and how it is going to assist you with your project. Reference your sources using Harvard referencing system .

6 Primary research This is anything done by you and it could be:
Online questionnaire – you could possibly ask your Facebook friends to comment on your project idea and give you some additional ideas how you can make it better. You can contact companies and individuals to get their permission to be filmed and interviewed. You will go with your phone or tablet and research ( take pictures) of locations and places that you can use in your project. You will research different type of creative techniques that you want to apply to your project and then try different skills and techniques yourself ( trial shots, trial designs, trial audio recordings, trial editing techniques etc. )

7 Evaluate your research:
As with secondary research make sure to evaluate all your primary research as well: How useful and did you find your primary research How the did your primary research will assist you with your project What else are you planning to do Evaluate your work – update your learning progress tracker at the end of the week

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