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Bellwork (The Last One!)

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1 Bellwork (The Last One!)
How did The Princess Bride incorporate the fairy tale elements we discussed? Were there more things you noticed? If so, what were they? What did you like about the film, and what did you dislike about it? Since this is your last bellwork question, please plan to leave your journal here so it can be graded. You should have them back by the end of the week, or early next week.

2 Homework Bring a piece of poetry to class on June 12th.
This piece of poetry can be written by anyone, it can also be a YouTube video, where someone recites the poem, or it can be an audio version of it. You can bring your own original work as well. Have something prepared to share with the class.

3 Social Media Writing Spellcheck and revise
What happens when someone reads something you wrote online, and you have errors everywhere? #covfefe Capitalize “I”

4 Social Media Writing- Blogs
It will take time to get noticed Be original- go against the status quo, and look at something from a perspective that no one has heard before Write to the individual, not the crowd, because a crowd is not listening to you speak about this, individual people are reading what you are writing

5 Read Once you are set on a topic you wish to write about, you should do as much research as you can to learn about it The more knowledge you have, the more understanding you have, and the more opportunities you will have to find your unique perspective You will also come across to people as an “expert” on a topic, which will help with your credibility

6 The Rule of Three Do things in sets of three
If it is a blog post, it should have a beginning, middle, and end If you have bullet points, try to narrow it down to three It is easy for people to connect with things when they are in sets of threes

7 Structure While blog posts fall under the form of creative writing, you still should follow a structure A clear beginning, middle, and end is necessary People should know what you are addressing in your first paragraph, the second should be your take on your subject, and your third paragraph should sum things up People are limited on time, and if you have long blog posts, they won’t spend the time to read it People want their information quickly, so give that to them

8 Structure Considering people are short on time, it is also possible that they might not read the entire post Make your first paragraph your best one, and make sure the point of the post is clear from the beginning

9 Word Economy After you write a post, revise and delete anything that is unnecessary Try reading your post without the introduction, and ask yourself if it still makes sense If the answer is yes, consider whether your introduction is necessary Even though it is possible that you could delete your intro, it should still be written, because having somewhat of a structure keeps you on track Consider a blog post like a freewrite, and the revising is cleaning it up and making it presentable

10 Include Personal Anecdotes
If you have a personal story to share about the topic you are writing about, be sure to include it This will help your readers relate to you on a personal level, and remember that you are a person, just like they are People like what they can connect to easily

11 Click-Bait While it might seem like a good idea to title posts with things like, “The New Product That Will Help You Lose Weight Fast!” it can also cause readers to feel misled after they have read it You need to gain trust with your readers, so rather than using click-bait type titles, come up with titles that are engaging, so that readers don’t feel disappointed or annoyed that they wasted their time Be intriguing, but don’t go overboard If someone wants information about something, they would more likely click on a more simple title, versus something like, “10 Ways to Dump your Significant Other, Number 9 Works Wonders!”

12 When to Post You don’t need to post something everyday
1 post a week would be enough to get started, and eventually you can move up to 2 posts, and slowly increase Make sure audience knows when you plan to post Somewhere on your blog you can include, “New Posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays!” You could also have a place where people can sign up for updates when you post Once you feel solid with your blog writing, you can move to daily posts

13 Facebook Facebook has over 1 billion users
Facebook has combined forces to give you one place that provides all ways to share and communicate with others It took websites like Xanga, Flickr, AOL instant messenger, and (recently) SnapChat and made it like the Wal-Mart of social media: it is like one stop shopping self-promotion and interaction Why use anything else when Facebook offers you everything? Why do people use Instagram and Snapchat, in addition to Facebook? People have their reasons, which is why other forms of social media still exist

14 Consider Your Purpose What is your Facebook for? Promoting your writing or a company you work for, or is it for personal use? You can use groups and pages to assist you with the professional part, while keeping your personal life on your Facebook page This provides you opportunities to connect with people on multiple levels You can use Live videos, and share that with both professional contacts and friends, which will help you make gains in your professional life

15 Profile Pictures For a professional page, you should use the profile picture to promote the most recent content If this is a page for your brand, then a logo that people can connect your brand back to should be front and center

16 Posts Include short posts on your FB pages, maybe with a link to lead to more If you are a blogger, you can post on Facebook about your recent post, and provide a link to it, so that people can click the link and go directly to your blog Be short, sweet, and to the point. Again, who wants to waste their time reading a paragraph on someone’s Facebook status?

17 Twitter Your Twitter is a good way to promote your recent blog posts, but don’t just use it for that Some personal information can be used, because once you have established a following, people are interested in you and they might want to know more If you just post about your recent blog post, that could be flagged by Twitter as spam

18 Twitter If someone follows you, don’t immediately respond with a Tweet saying that they should follow your Facebook page You also shouldn’t send a message asking them to like your Tweets If you have to beg for likes or Tweets, that is both unattractive and unprofessional

19 Posts on Multiple Platforms
There are apps that will upload posts to multiple social media platforms at once, so you don’t have to create posts several times This is not the best idea, because your following could be different on each platform, or if someone is following you on multiple platforms, they will likely see the message multiple times, and find it annoying/desperate

20 Posting on Multiple Platforms
You can use this for some things, just be aware of how often you use it Craft a new status update or post that is unique to each platform, and write it in a way that caters to your various audiences

21 Companies Creating New Jobs
Jobs for Social Media Strategists, Brand Ambassadors, Social Media Promoters, Social Media Marketing, etc. are popping up everywhere Companies realize the impact social media can have on their web presence, sales, and connections and are creating jobs with the focus on promoting their company through social media These jobs are located virtually everywhere, creating opportunities for people to experience something new

22 Job Requirements Being a creative thinker College Education
Sometimes more pay if you graduate with a higher GPA Internship experience Writing and editing experience or coursework Creative writing, marketing, communications, or journalism coursework

23 Dangers of Social Media and Self-Promotion
Behave on all social media platforms the same way you would behave in person If you are looking for a job as a writer (or any other job), posts on Facebook or Twitter that you have made in the past can be tracked back to you, and should you have gotten into a Twitter war or argument with someone on social media, it will be found

24 Dangers of Social Media and Self-Promotion
What you put out there is meant to represent who you are as a person, but consider what information you want the world to know about you For example, if you call out of work one day, do not then go on your Facebook or Twitter page and post a status or picture with the caption “Pool Day!”, especially if you are friends with co-workers or worse…your boss

25 Present & Future Plans What is your current social media presence like? Do you plan to use social media in the future for self-promotion, or something work related? What opportunities are there for people now that social media exists?

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