Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings

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Presentation on theme: "Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings"— Presentation transcript:

1 Signs, Signals, and Roadway Markings

2 Traffic Sign Categories
Regulatory Sign Warning Sign Guide Sign What Category? Purpose?

3 Tell you what you must do, or must not do, according to the law
Types of Traffic Signs Regulatory Sign Tell you what you must do, or must not do, according to the law

4 Types of Traffic Signs Warning Sign
Tells you about conditions on or near the road ahead. They warn you about possible hazards or changes in the roadway conditions.

5 Types of Traffic Signs Guide Sign
Provide information about intersecting roads, help direct you to cities and towns and show points of interest

6 Stop and Yield Speed Limit Traffic Signals Flashing red or yellow

7 Roadway Markings Yellow lines White lines Broken lines









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