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Quote of the Day You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers ( ), New York.

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Presentation on theme: "Quote of the Day You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers ( ), New York."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quote of the Day You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers ( ), New York Times, Dec. 23, 1929

3 Objectives Analyze the political and military forces that took root in Europe in the late 1800’s Describe how alliances created tension in Europe Analyze the events that set World War I in motion

4 Essential Question In what ways did nationalism, imperialism, and militarism lead to World War I?

5 High Tensions in Europe
Nationalism 1. Deep devotion to one’s nation 2. Unify a country 3. Create intense competition between nations 4. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France

6 Imperialism 1. European nations competed for colonies 2. Created a rivalry among nations

7 Militarism

8 Increase of nationalism led to a dangerous arms race
Europeans believed to be great they needed powerful armies Militarism – policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army ready for war


10 Secret Alliance Triple Alliance/Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Triple Entente/Allies – Great Britain, France, and Russia


12 The Spark

13 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

14 Heir to the throne of Austria - Hungary
June 28, 1914 visited Bosnia

15 Gavrilo Princip Member of the Black Hand Shot the Archduke
Black Hand – secret society committed to ending Austrian rule in Bosnia





20 Road to War Austria presented an ultimatum
Ultimatum – list of demands that if not met will lead to serious consequences Serbia refused Austria declared war = Domino Effect

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