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Vicki Stokes School of Education 02/10/17

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1 Vicki Stokes School of Education 02/10/17
EDP 380 TEACHING PRACTICE Vicki Stokes School of Education 02/10/17

2 AIMS OF THE SESSION Provide you with an overview of the structure of the placement Discuss how you will be supported Begin to look at the relevant paperwork Discuss the assessment of the placement

3 DATES FOCUS DAYS: Begin next week and take place Tuesday to Thursday. They last for four weeks. ASSESSED PLACEMENT – PART 1: Begins Monday 13th November and lasts six weeks (completed 22nd December).

4 FOCUS DAYS Purpose of focus days:
settle trainees into the school environment; familiarise yourselves with the policies and organisation of the school; get to know your host class and the abilities of the children within it; complete the tasks in the handbook – including an intervention (more details next week).

•Week 1: Take small groups of children for 30% of the school week, under guidance of HCT. •Week 2: As for Week 1 but taking groups for 40% of the school week, then planning your own activities towards end of the week. •Week 3: Teaching for 50% of the school week, moving from small groups to taking the whole class for some parts of lessons and then whole lessons. •Weeks 4 - 6: Teaching for 50% of the school week, whole class lessons and groups within lessons.

School mentor Host class teacher School liaison tutor (SLT) Module leader

7 SCHOOL MENTORS Will observe your teaching twice a week
Meet with trainees weekly to assess progress against the Teachers’ Standards and to discuss pupil progress Will submit (with trainee) weekly grading about pupil progress Will submit (with trainee) mid-point and final gradings against the Teachers’ Standards

These are a crucial part of the school-based training. The School Mentor and trainee should set aside a designated time EVERY WEEK when progress can be discussed and targets for the following week are agreed. Targets may draw upon: pupil progress; lesson feedback; lesson evaluations; Teachers’ Standards with a lower level of evidence; arising issues (either trainee or Mentor initiated). The trainee should take responsibility for the completion of the Weekly Review Record BEFORE each meeting.

9 HOST CLASS TEACHER Can act as your mentor – not always!
Will support your planning of lessons and make suggestions Will give informal feedback during your placement May support groups in the classroom whilst you are teaching

10 SCHOOL LIAISON TUTORS Support you in school – your first contact for any queries/issues Visit at the beginning of placement to ensure everyone is clear about expectations Visit to complete a joint observation with the school mentor/class teacher Make additional visits if a trainee requires additional support Keep in contact via

Grids like these will be within the placement handbook and will contain relevant detail for each stakeholder. TRAINEE SCHOOL MENTOR SCHOOL LIAISON TUTOR WEEK 1 Follow the Host Class Teacher’s planning for English and maths. Teach for 30% of the time. Complete evaluations of each lesson taught. Track three children in English and maths, focusing on progress made. Agree with your School Mentor to support or deliver an extra-curricular activity for the remainder of placement. Begin to collect evidence towards the Teachers’ Standards and record these appropriately. Ensure documentation is completed in preparation for the Weekly Review Meeting with the School Mentor. Observe PE lessons. Agree a timetable of teaching with the trainee, based on the recommended 30%. Discuss/share the planning of English and maths which the trainee will deliver. Support the trainee in choosing and tracking three children. Discuss with the trainee, and any other members of school staff as appropriate, the possibility of them supporting/delivering an extra –curricular activity at an appropriate time. Carry out weekly review meeting and use Trainee Performance Profile (Grading point 1) to identify some initial targets and actions. Discuss with trainee evidence of progress in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and endorse any evidence as appropriate. Submit grading to placement office via the link provided. Ensure School Liaison Tutor is aware of any concerns. Prior to this week – ensure the trainee has engaged with the Focus Week tasks. Make contact with the School Mentor or host Class Teacher and arrange for initial visit. During the visit make arrangements for the joint observation during week 3 or 4. Liaise with School Mentor and Module Leader about any concerns. During this visit check that the School Experience file is organised and all relevant paperwork is in place. Check with trainee that evidence is being uploaded to their Box e portfolio. Ensure that the trainee and the School Mentor/Host Class Teacher are aware of the requirements of the placement.

12 MODULE LEADER - VICKI Write the documentation and ensure it is shared with all stakeholders. Send regular s reminding students, SLTs and school mentors about the expectations for the week – everyone gets the same messages! Track progress of all trainees and ensure support is put in place early The moderation process – particularly in the case of any trainees at risk of failing their placement.

Trainees are assessed against the Teachers’ Standards at a level appropriate for their stage of development. These stages are referred to as ‘Grading Points’. Part 1 of placement uses Grading Point 1 and then Grading Point 2. It is important that trainees reach at least the ‘Expected’ level within the appropriate Grading Point. Trainees not reaching this level will be given additional support through a ‘Support Plan’.

Assessment takes place at two ‘Grading Points’. Grading Point 1 is used up to the mid-point grading Grading Point 2 is used until the end of Part 1 of the placement. Grading points take place: End of week 3 End of week 6

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are will contain information relating to various points of your placement. These enable you to track your progress against the Teachers’ Standards and are the place where you will present your evidence – hyperlinks will be used to your Eportfolio where evidence will be stored.

Your evidence within these will be reviewed by your Personal Tutor following placement. Targets will then be set for Part 2 of the placement.


18 ACTION PLANS Your ILP also contains the Action Plan which you will submit as part of EDP381. Once your subject knowledge audits are complete you will set yourself targets which will enable you to develop weaker areas of subject knowledge. This should be submitted through Canvas by: Monday 16th October 2017

19 ACTION PLANS Your first Action Plan will be checked to ensure appropriate targets have been set. Following placement, you will provide evidence (via hyperlinks to your Box) to show how you have met the targets. A second set of subject knowledge audits will be completed and you will set new targets for Part 2 of the placement. Your ILP, with Action Plans and hyperlinked evidence will be submitted again be 26th January 2018 and this will be marked by your tutors (pass/fail).


Monday 9th October 9.00 – 11.00 Working in our Upper and Early primary groups Look at the planning proformas for placement Consider aspects of the placement specific to each phase, including how paired placements are structured PLACEMENT - UPPER PRIMARY DG321D PLACEMENT- EARLY PRIMARY DG314

22 NEXT MONDAY PM Monday 9th October 12.00 – 2.00 SCIENCE

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