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Innovation driven by Intelligence

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1 Innovation driven by Intelligence
Business cloud software seamlessly transforming Microsoft Office 365 product suite into a powerful digital innovation solution

2 6500 87% is the number of new thoughts a person has every single day is the number of different collaboration opportunities in a company with 10,000 employees of employees are not fully engaged in the workplace So how do you convert these statistics into real business opportunities?

3 Transforms Microsoft O365 into a powerful digital innovation solution
Allows ideas and engagement to flow naturally Accelerates the decision-making process Innovation Software

4 Wide Ideas empowers your employees to contribute ideas to solving business challenges, providing you the competitive edge to be even more successful.


6 The power of AI Our unique Artificial Intelligence solution can handle big data sets in real time by filtering, sorting and clustering ideas to find similarities and patterns. Accelerating the decision making process Identifying subject matter experts Personalisation Vår lösning ihop med MS



Innovation Flow SINGLE REPOSITORY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (real time) How can we…? What if…? Business Challenges Employees crowd-source new ideas and share with others. Subject matter experts help to refine ideas, turning good ideas into potential great solutions. Unique Artificial Intelligence predicts the best ideas and recommends them as solutions. 1 Solution or Continuous Innovation 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

10 Customers

11 Data protection We fully understand the need for security and confidentiality of data when it comes to discussing company business. Hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud services, you know your users and their data is sitting behind a recognised and trusted security layer that can be easily managed. No additional IT costs Being integrated with Office 365, means there isn’t a need for a standalone innovation system. Therefore no installation costs, no long wait times for implementation, and no additional resources to support it. GDPR compliant The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation comes into effect on 25th May Wide Ideas is fully compliant with this new piece of legislation.

12 Benefits for both employees and companies
Voices from employees My ideas can become real I can share ideas and improve my visibility I want to contribute to the business I know we can do better I want to see the business succeed I can develop new knowledge and skills I will have a great access to decision makers Voices from management We can drive change and spreading innovation We can easily recognize contributors in business It visualizes knowledge so we can create stronger, faster and smarter teams We need to improve and need the best talents Way to encourage motivation and engagement Collaboration to stay ahead of competitors

13 Wide Ideas seamlessly transforms your Office 365 product suite into a powerful digital innovation solution. It will empower all your employees to contribute ideas to solving business challenges, providing you the competitive edge to be even more successful. 

14 We’d love to tell you more!
See it in action – Book Demo! For more info, contact us!

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