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Sabbaticals & Jubilees

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1 Sabbaticals & Jubilees
After the Era of Joshua’s Conquest Counting from Adam, the temple was founded in 968 BC. Counting from Joshua’s conquest, a sabbatical would be in 966 BC, two years after 968. Jubilees after Joshua’s conquest are applied to the time God was dealing with the Israelites prior to the second temple. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

2 From Creation to the Era of Joshua’s Conquest
I have researched this and other related topics for decades and have discovered how the sabbaticals and jubilees are observed by the Higher Realm. From Adam to the temple in 968, there are 61 jubilees. From Joshua’s conquest to 966 BC, there are 9 jubilees. How can there be two jubilees two years apart? 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

3 Topics of Discussion Jubilees are the 50th years but are 49 years apart. Counting from Creation, the temple was founded in 427 sabbaticals (427 x 7), in 968 BC. Counting from Joshua’s conquest, the temple was founded in the 440th year, after 439 years (I Kings 6:1), in 968 BC. Since 441 years are divisible by 7, a sabbatical was in 966 BC, two years after the temple was founded. 966 would be 9 jubilees after Joshua’s conquest. 968 would be 61 jubilees after Creation. Counting from Creation, the temple was founded in 427 sabbaticals (427 x 7), in 968 BC (3957 BC – 968 BC = 61 jubilees). Counting from Joshua’s conquest, the temple was founded in the 440th year, after 439 years (I Kings 6:1), in 968 BC (1407 BC – 966 BC = 9 jubilees). Since 441 years are divisible by 7, a sabbatical was in 966 BC, two years after the temple was founded. 968 would be 61 jubilees after Creation (the sabbatical year). 967 would be the 61st jubilee year after Creation (the 50th year). 966 would be 9 jubilees after Joshua’s conquest (the sabbatical year). 965 would be the the 9th jubilee after Joshua’s conquest (the 50th year). would be the year the temple was finished in the 10th year of Solomon. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

4 Time has not been lost. Ages are not in chaos.
Jubilees during the era of Joshua (1407 BC) are preserved during the history of Israel and Judah after 966 BC. 966 BC: = 35 years before Israel split from Judah in 931 BC. 966 BC: = 5 jubilees before Assyria captures Israel in 721. 966 BC: = 7 jubilees before Josiah found the lost book of Moses and established a new reformation to keep the entire Law, including the sabbaticals and jubilees. 966 BC: = 8 jubilees before the one in Ezekiel 40:1, 14 years after the fall of Jerusalem (Jer 34). 966 BC: = 8 jubilees or 427 years (61 sabbaticals) before the fall of Babylon in 539 BC. Time has not been lost. Ages are not in chaos. Jubilees during the era of Joshua (1407 BC) are preserved during the history of Israel and Judah after 966 BC. 966 BC: = 35 years before Israel split from Judah in 931 BC. 966 BC: = 5 jubilees before Assyria captures Israel in 721. 966 BC: = 7 jubilees before Josiah found the lost book of Moses and established a new reformation to keep the entire Law, including the sabbaticals and jubilees. 966 BC: = 8 jubilees before the one in Ezekiel 40, 14 years after the fall of Jerusalem (Jer 34). 966 BC: = 8 jubilees or 427 years (61 sabbaticals) before the fall of Babylon in 539 BC. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

5 Joshua’s Conquest Exodus BC Joshua’s Conquest 1407 BC Temple 968 BC Sabbatical 966 BC One is tempted to date Solomon’s temple as 966 BC, in a sabbatical year, 441 years after Joshua crossed the Jordan river and began to count sabbaticals and jubilee cycles. However, the temple was in another sabbatical, 427 x 7 years after Adam. The jubilee of 966 BC was 343 years (7 jubilees) before Josiah found the lost book of the Law and 392 years (8 jubilees) before 574 BC, which was the 14th year after Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians (Ezek 40:1). 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

6 50-YEAR JUBILEES? 50-Year Jubilees Year Jubilees BC BC Exodus Conquest th Jubilee th Year After Jerusalem fell in 587 BC 574 BC was: The 7th jubilee after 966 BC The 17th jubilee (49 x 17) after Joshua crossed the Jordan (The 17th 50 jubilees does not fit.) The 14th year after Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 587 BC (Ezek 40:1) The 49th year after Josiah found the lost book of the Law in 623 BC 52 jubilees before 1975 AD. 1975 AD was the 69th jubilee after Joshua crossed the Jordan. However, the sabbaticals of the second temple are two years before those of the first temple. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

7 The Date of Creation The true date is 3957 BC,
The priests and rabbis had removed 4 jubilees (196 yrs) from their date of Creation (3761 BC). They removed 60 years between Abraham and his father (Terah), and their temple was dated 832 BC instead of 968 BC (136 yrs). These two revisions make 196 yrs removed (4 jubilees). The true date, 3957 BC, places the temple in the 61st jubilee after Creation (in 968 BC). The era of Joshua places the 9th jubilee in 966 BC (the 9th jubilee or 441 years), two years after the temple was founded. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

8 The Harbinger The Harbinger covers two collapses in the U.S. Market and predicts a third collapse, all three occurring seven yrs apart, on the day before the seventh month begins, when debts were to be released. Sept. 17, 2001 = Elul 29 (market’s worst fall since 1929) Sept. 29, 2008 = Elul 29 (market fell 777 points in one day) Sept. 13, 2015 = Elul 29 (market may have worst fall in history) These would allegedly be in 5761, 5768 and 5775 years after Adam using the rabbinical calendar (but sabbaticals that align with the era of Joshua are two years later). Our clocks need to be synchronized with the Higher Realm. Both cycles mentioned above have the same sabbaticals, which also align with the sabbaticals in The Harbinger. But one has a jubilee in 2022 AD, and the other has a jubilee 21 years later, in 2043 AD, which would be 6,000 years after Adam, that is, 3957 BC. The jubilee of 2022 AD aligns with Creation in 3957 or the rabbinical Creation in 3761 BC; the jubilee in 2043 doesn’t align with Creation. It is 21 years off. The Harbinger (by Jonathan Kahn) covers two collapses of the U.S. Market and predicts a third collapse, all three occurring seven years apart, on the day before the seventh month begins, when debts were to be released: Sept 17, 2001 = Elul 29 (market’s worst fall since 1929). September 29, 2008 = Elul 29 (market fell 777 points in one day). September 13, 2015 = Elul 29 (market may have the worst fall in history). Using the rabbinical calendar, these would be 5761, 5768 and 5775 years after Adam. Is The Harbinger right about the 7-year cycle since Creation? Is the Higher Realm using sabbaticals and jubilees as interventions into our lower realm? 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

9 What Does This All Mean? We need to synchronize our clocks with the Higher Realm, because it has been observing the sabbaticals and jubilees. The king of Babylon became a beast for 7 yrs, one jubilee before the second temple was founded. Adam in a jubilee year. Shem was 98 years old at the flood. The temple was founded 61 jubilees after Creation, and there are 61 jubilees from the temple to 2022 AD. Alexander visited Jerusalem in a jubilee year, and Rome allowed the Jews to have sabbaticals. Rome fell (in 476 AD) 15 jubilees after Alexander (331 BC). Sabbaticals of the era of Joshua are two years later. What Does This All Mean? We need to synchronize our clocks with the Higher Realm, because it has been observing the sabbaticals and jubilees. The king of Babylon became a beast for 7 yrs, one jubilee before the second temple was founded. Adam died in a jubilee year. Shem was 98 years old at the flood. The temple was founded 61 jubilees after Adam, and there are 61 jubilees from the temple to 2022 AD. Alexander visited Jerusalem in a jubilee year, and Rome allowed the Jews to have sabbaticals. Rome fell (in 476 AD) 15 jubilees after Alexander (331 BC). Sabbaticals of the era of Joshua are two years later. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

10 What Must We Do? What is required of us? One’s belief system should not be based on commentaries or commentators. Read Jeremiah 34 about how Judah refused to release their fellow Hebrews during a sabbatical and how this let to the destruction of Jerusalem. The Higher Realm is concerned with debt. Discover how the sabbaticals and jubilees are found during the kings. The next topic will cover other patterns related to the jubilees. What Must We Do? What is required of us? One’s belief system should not be based on commentaries or commentators. Read Jeremiah 34 about how Judah refused to release their fellow Hebrews during a sabbatical and how this caused the destruction of Jerusalem. The Higher Realm is concerned with debt. Discover how the sabbaticals and jubilees during the kings. The next topic will cover other patterns related with jubilees. 11/22/2018 Floyd R.Cox

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