Bella Vista Freshmen Parent Information Meeting

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1 Bella Vista Freshmen Parent Information Meeting
Class of 2022

2 Stay In Touch with BV BV Newsflash –Weekly e-mail Student Bulletin
Marquee Q/Parent Portal Student Handbook Website:

3 Attendance Information
If your student is ill during the school day, they must go to the Attendance Office to contact parent If your student is late, they must check in at the attendance office Absences need to be cleared within 5 days or with a medical note Students may never leave campus during the school day without a yellow “Early Dismissal” slip

4 Homework Requests Missing 3 or more days, please request homework by calling the front desk (916) Missing less than 3 days, please contact the teacher by for assignments. Check teacher website and ask classmates as well. Home/Hospital is available if student will be out a minimum of 3 consecutive weeks after form is received. Counselor has forms Short Term Independent study is designed for students who will miss school for 5 or more days. A weeks notice prior is needed.

5 How to monitor Student Progress
Encourage use of the Daily Planner Check Q/Parent Portal teachers Many teachers have assignments on Google Classroom

6 Graduation Requirements
Traditional High School 6 classes Subject Requirements (slide to follow) 220 Credits CTE, World Language, Arts count as VAPA for High School Graduation Only.

7 Graduation requirements
English credits Mathematics credits Social Studies credits Life Science credits Physical Science credits Physical Education 20 credits Health credits Economics credits Visual/Performing Arts 10 credits

8 Four Year Graduation Plan
9th English Health/ Seminar/ Geography/ Computers Math PE * 10th World History Biology 11th US History Science Visual Art 12th American Gov./Economics Social Science Elective

9 Transcript Review

10 Transcript Review GPA & Class Rank

11 Transcript Review Completed Courses & Grades

What are your plans?

Career Technical Colleges—specialized training such as automotive, business, computer science, cosmetology, health care, etc. Community College---Associates degrees, Career Technical Certificates or Apprenticeship – earn while you learn Community College transfer to CSU/UC programs College/University-- Baccalaureate degrees Military/Armed Services---talk to a recruiter

14 College Requirements Four Year State Colleges and Universities have required classes for admission (CSU and UC’s) Private Universities also have specific requirements Community Colleges do not require A-G completion Encourage students to stay on track for A-G completion, keep their options open.

15 CSU/UC Admissions A-G Minimum Subject requirements are:
(A) 2 year of History/Social Science (B) 4 years of English (C) 3 years of Mathematics (through Integrated Math 3) (D) 2 years of science —2 of which must be lab based science courses (E) 2 years of same LOTE -Language other than English (F) 1 year Visual or Performing Art (G) 1 College prep elective course

16 College Athletics: Must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center by Junior year online to be recruited for Division 1 and some Division 2 colleges NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) many division 2 and 3 colleges are members of NAIA

17 What Colleges and Employers Are Looking For :
Well-Rounded Student with: Strong academics Extra-curricular activities Volunteer work and Work experience Awards or special achievements Leadership Experiences Technical, Interpersonal, & Organizational Skills World Languages BALANCE

18 College and Career Center
Career Center is located in the library and open at lunch for students to research: College/Career Information Naviance Scholarships Financial Aid Information College Visit Schedule If you would like to volunteer at the CCC or call (916)

19 Career Planning and College Major:
Every year students will complete college and career activities in their English Classes Counselors do presentations twice a year in class

20 College Representatives at BV
Many college reps visit BV through out the Fall. Dates and times are announced in the school bulletin Students must sign-up in the counseling office to attend these visitations

21 Getting Freshmen Connected to Bella Vista
It is shown that students who get involved in their school in one way or another have a more positive high school experience. Recommendations: Participate in a club Play sports Join Student Government Band Choir Yearbook Volunteer to help organize school activities and/or be a participant.

22 Getting Freshmen Connected To Bella Vista

23 Sports…














37 Questions? Worries? Sounds Crazy?
Website—for all documents and this PPT Read Daily Bulletin on website Check Counseling Office section on website If it’s Academics: 1. your student the teacher 3. his/her counselor If it’s Behavior/Attendance: 1. your student 2. his/her vice principal If it’s Graduation Events: 1. website 2.BV Front desk

38 Thank you. Go Broncos! This presentation is viewable on the Bella Vista website Principal – Dr. Kitchen Vice Principals – Mrs. Zeltvay, Mr. Irwin, Mrs. Karagianes 504 and ELL Counselor– Shelley Besso Freshmen Counselor – Cindy Penbera

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