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Vivid Verbs By Kimberly, Maria, and Stevie

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1 Vivid Verbs By Kimberly, Maria, and Stevie

2 What does Figurative Language?
Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the facts as they are. ... Figurative language is very common in poetry, but is also used in prose and nonfiction writing as well.

3 What does Vivid Verbs mean?
Vivid  Verbs is a verb that is really descriptive. A Vivid Verb  would be so descriptive that when it is used in a story that the reader can actually visualize in their mind Vivid Verbs are descriptive action words that are so vibrant and dramatic that help the reader  or listener visualize the word, including  "swoop"," plunge", "pierce", " guffaw" and "crackle". They tend to be  more interesting  and specific  than commonly used verbs.

4 Examples of Vivid Verbs.
Vivid Verbs can describe the actions of sounds, such as ''crash'' and ''rustle,'' the actions of the smells, such as ''reek''. The frequently used verb ''walk'', for instance, can be replaced by the more vivid verb.  Vivid verbs are action that are so vibrant and dramatic that they help a reader visualize the word.

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8 Practice

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