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Welcome! March 12th, 2018 Monday

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1 Welcome! March 12th, 2018 Monday
Do Now Take a weekly Bell Ringer sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, we’ll watch a video, and you will have five minutes to respond to the question in at least five sentences. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Describe a magic trick or illusion you have seen (in real life or
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: Describe a magic trick or illusion you have seen (in real life or on TV) that you thought was amazing. © Presto Plans

3 Propaganda prop·a·gan·da Today, we’re going to talk about propaganda!
NOUN information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

4 Propaganda To understand how propaganda works, we first have to understand Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle, or: Ethos Pathos Logos

5 Three Types of Appeals Ethos (Ethics): convincing by the speaker’s character. We tend to believe people whom we respect. Pathos (Emotions): means persuading by appealing to the reader's emotions. Logos (Logic): means persuading by the use of reasoning. Giving reasons is the heart of argumentation.

6 Ethos Pathos Logos Rhetorical Devices

7 Rhetorical Devices in modern media…
As you watch the video, consider: Is it using Ethos (ethical appeal), Pathos (emotional appeal), or Logos (logical appeal) to try to persuade you?

8 Rhetorical Devices in modern media…
As you watch the video, consider: Is it using Ethos (ethical appeal), Pathos (emotional appeal), or Logos (logical appeal) to try to persuade you?

9 Rhetorical Devices in modern media…
As you watch the video, consider: Is it using Ethos (ethical appeal), Pathos (emotional appeal), or Logos (logical appeal) to try to persuade you?

10 Let’s check out some milk ads…
Milk Ad 1: “Real Milk vs Almond Milk” Which rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, or logos) does this commercial use MOST?

11 Let’s check out some milk ads…
Milk Ad 2: “Mothers Know Milk” Which rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, or logos) does this commercial use MOST?

12 Let’s check out some milk ads…
Milk Ad 3: “The Rock – Milk Mustache” Which rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, or logos) does this commercial use MOST?

13 Kahoot! Let’s see how we’re doing with this whole ethos/pathos/logos stuff with a quick review… Grab a Chromebook or your phone and go to! d0d7-fafe ee7122c8a

14 Types of Propaganda Next, let’s look at the different types of propaganda people can use. It’s not only important to recognize when they appear in Animal Farm – it’s important to recognize in our every day lives! Especially when it comes to politics, and especially in today’s political environment… Feel free to following along on your handout.

15 Bandwagon “Everyone else is doing it, so you should too!”
Peer pressure “Everyone’s playing hide- and-seek, maybe I should play.” “Everyone’s hair is curly. It looks nice! Maybe I should do it…”

16 Name-Calling Links a person or idea to a negative symbol Commie
Hypocrite Terrorist Un-American Any racial slurs

17 Transfer Links a person or idea to something respected and revered in order to transfer that positive image

18 Fear Plays on deep-seated fears
Warns the audience that disaster will result if they do not follow a particular course of action “If you don’t share this photo, you’ll DIE.” “Stop smoking them cancer sticks.” Those commercials where they trade parts of themselves for cigarettes.

19 Plain Folks Attempt to convince the audience that a prominent person is “of and for the people”

20 Logical Fallacy (AKA Bad Logic, aka slippery slope)
An illogical message is manipulated to promote a cause Asserting that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect “You’re either with us or against us” “Football and basketball are the exact same game.” “He’s a bad person, because he jaywalks.” All stereotypes fall under this. “You’re fat so you must be lazy.”

21 Unwarranted extrapolation
Making huge predictions about the future based on a few small facts

22 Glittering generalities
Use of virtue words (democracy, patriotism, family) Catchphrase that’s emotional, seems meaningful, doesn’t mean anything “You’re the love of my life.” “Soulmates.” “I’ll find you.” “The American Revolution.”

23 testimonial A public figure or influencer endorses a product, a policy, or a political candidate

24 euphamism *Add this one to your chart!
Replacing an inappropriate phrase with an appropriate phrase Calling someone “big-boned” instead of fat. Calling someone “slower than other people” rather than dumb.

25 Let’s Look at those milk ads again…
Milk Ad 1: “Real Milk vs Almond Milk” What types of propaganda does this commercial use? Label them on your handout!

26 Let’s check out some milk ads…
Milk Ad 2: “Mothers Know Milk” What types of propaganda does this commercial use? Label them on your handout!

27 Let’s check out some milk ads…
Milk Ad 3: “The Rock – Milk Mustache” What types of propaganda does this commercial use? Label them on your handout!

28 Propaganda Techniques
IXL: F.11, F.12 Next, let’s take a closer look at propaganda techniques that Squealer uses in his speech a out milk in Chapter Three. With your group, with a partner, or by yourself, re-read through Squealer’s speech. Underline each time Squaler uses a rhetorical device (ethos, pathos, or logos) and label it accordingly. Some parts may overlap! Find examples of propaganda in Squealer’s speech. Draw lines to each part, and annotate which technique he uses.

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