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Campus THOMAS KELLER ELEMENTARY is an overall Recognized

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1 Campus THOMAS KELLER ELEMENTARY is an overall Recognized
EXCELLENCE: The Keller Instinct! THOMAS KELLER ELEMENTARY is an overall Recognized Campus under House Bill 5 Community and Student Engagement* BISD is rated overall Recognized for CASE* * House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section

2 Fine Arts Program rated Acceptable
Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival BISD 2nd Annual Faculty Art Exhibit Treasures of the Texas Coast Art Contest Brownsville Museum of Fine Art Contest BISD Art Show Music Performances ** Winter Festival Musical Honor’s Choir THOMAS KELLER ELEMENTARY

3 Wellness Program rated Recognized
Physical Education This Wellness programs at Keller provides our students an opportunity to develop and maintain fitness, health and nutrition education for a lifetime of wellness. Fitness and health concepts are emphasized to educate both the mind and body of a student as he/she participates in a wide variety of physical activities (State fitness assessment, individual sports, team sports, and other activities). The wellness learning experiences in the Pre-K thru 5th grades also offer a unique opportunity to take responsibility for the student’s own health choices. Thomas Keller Elementary

4 Community and Parental Involvement rated Acceptable
Keller Elementary provides activities and informational meetings to keep parents and the community involved in our student’s education. The emphasis of our communication is attendance, grades, assessments and specialized organizations available to parents and students from the district and/or community. Keller Elementary

5 21st Century Workforce Development rated Recognized
Principal For A Day Students were introduced to a variety of professions through personal visits of personnel from our local community. Career Fair Principal for a Day Guest Authors Local Charity Organizations/Present ations Keller Elementary

6 Second Language Acquisition rated Acceptable
Pre-Kinder Journal Writing Full Day Pre-Kinder Program is available. Weekly writing journals for all grade levels. Supplemental academic linguistic instructional supports are provided for ELL students Cultural awareness days are implemented throughout the school year – Fall Festival, Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, Christmas, Charro Days, Spring Festival etc….. Keller Elementary

7 Digital Learning Environment rated Acceptable
Daily Digital Learning Our students at Keller, from PK to 5th utilize a number of software resources to enhance their use of and exposure to technology by participating in a 45 minute computer lab session weekly. Fifth grade students have personal laptops for daily use. Ipad’s are also used to supplement bilingual and RTI groups. Students also use software including but not limited to, iStation, Think Through Math, Living with Science, EduSmart, ETAZO, Pearson Realize, STAAR Fall, etc. Keller Elementary

8 Dropout Preventions Strategies rated Recognized
Teacher Collaboration Planning Students are given opportunities to successfully master their grade level TEKS as they are reinforced using teacher’s content knowledge, student’s extended day tutorials, Response to Intervention referrals, individual checks with administration and parental involvement with student’s education. Teacher collaboration for individualized student’s success plans. Keller Elementary

9 Educational Programs for G/T rated Acceptable
Gifted and Talented Gifted and Talented program participants have an opportunity to engage in activities that explore multiple intelligences through programs such as: Destination Imagination Science Fair Chess U.I.L. G.T. Art Class Maker Space Studio SPR Student DOK 4 Product Based Assessments Teachers teaching GT students have 30 Core hours of training and 6 hours of GT Ongoing Training. Keller Elementary

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