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Unit: Civil War Begins Time Period: 1860-1863.

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1 Unit: Civil War Begins Time Period:

2 Civil War Begins Unit Questions
What did each side expect and plan for during the early stages of the Civil War? What were the battles early in the conflict like? How did Lincoln manage the complexities of the war? What complications did each side face at home?

3 Thought Jot (p.5) President Lincoln and President Jefferson Davis were both born in Kentucky. Why do you think they developed different view of slavery? After you have read their biographies, how can you modify your answer?

4 Civil War Begins Union President: Abe Lincoln Confederate President:
Jefferson Davis

5 Civil War Begins Head General of Union: Gen. George McClellan
Notable Confederate General: Gen. Robert E. Lee

6 Civil War Begins Union Capitol: Washington, D.C. Confederate Capitol:
Richmond, V.A.

7 Confederate States of America

8 Anaconda Plan Union’s Grand Strategy
The idea was to slowly squeeze the South to death. The Union General Winfield Scott proposed the Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda Plan had 3 goals Seize the Mississippi River Capture the capitol of Richmond Naval Blockade of Southern Ports

9 The Anaconda Plan

10 Confederate Strategy Confederate General Robert E. Lee came up with a strategy that had 3 goals Aggressively defend Confederate states Recapture border Slave States that stayed in the Union Pressure Washington, D.C. to divert troops and demoralize the Union

11 Expectations North’s Expectations South’s Expectations
North would invade the South from Washington, DC, capture Richmond and be home for the fall harvest. Lincoln asks for 3 month volunteers to create a Federal Army Lincoln is only allowed by law to call up the state militia for 3 months South thinks it will just repel a Northern invasion of Virginia and squarely beat the North’s main army. The South expects that this great victory will create such a demoralizing effect in the Northern newspapers that the North will just withdraw and negotiate peace. The South doesn’t appoint a commanding general

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