The American Civil War Battles.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Civil War Battles."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Civil War Battles

2 A Nation Divided


4 Population in the South, 1850

5 Battles in the Eastern Theatre, 1861 – Battle of Bull Run

6 First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the First Battle of Manassas was the first major land battle of the American Civil War Fought on July 21, 1861, near Manassas, Virginia. Union was routed and forced to retreat back to Washington, D.C. It was now clear that this would be a long and bloody war.

7 Why was Washington Concerned?

8 Union Strategy, 1861

9 Anaconda Plan and Naval Blockade, 1861
In May 1861, Lincoln enacted the Union blockade of all Southern ports Wanted to hurt the Southern economy

10 Union Naval Blockade

11 Union Naval Seizures

12   The Western Theatre, 1862

13 The Western Theatre –

14 Major Battles and Events of the Western Theatre
Vicksburg Location: Mississippi Dates: May 18-July 4, Estimated Casualties: 35,825 total (US 4,550; CS 31,275) Results: Union victory Union splits the Confederacy in half along the Mississippi River Sherman’s March to the Sea “Total War” Destroyed each city on the way to Savannah

15 William T. Sherman Sherman became one of Lincoln’s most trusted Generals as a result of his performance during the war in the West

16 Sherman’s March,

17 War in Trans-Mississippi Theatre, 1862

18 War in the Eastern Theatre to 1862


20 Ulysses S. Grant In June 1864, Matthew Brady photographed Grant at City Point, Va.

21 Robert E. Lee

22 Major Battles of the Eastern Theatre
Antietam (Deadliest day of the war) State: Maryland Dates: September, Estimated Casualties: 23,100 total Results: Inconclusive (Union strategic victory.) Fredericksburg State: Virginia Dates: December, Results: Confederate victory Chancellorsville State: Virginia Dates: April - May , Results: Confederate victory Gettysburg State: Pennsylvania Dates: July 1-3, Results: Union victory

23 Gettysburg Campaign

24 Gettysburg Fought in Southern Pennsylvania
Lee last attempt to invade the north Three days of fighting concluded with Pickett’s Charge Devastated the Confederate ranks The south lost and never recovered… it was the turning point of the war.

25 Gettysburg Map - Overview

26 Gettysburg, Day 1 (8 a.m.)

27 Gettysburg, Day 1 (10 a.m.)

28 Gettysburg, Day 1 (5 p.m.)

29 Gettysburg, Day 2


31 Focal Point of Pickett’s Charge

32 Gettysburg, Day 3

33 1863

34 Eastern Campaigns, 1864

35 The End is Near, Lincoln makes Grant commander of all Union armies – beginning of 1864 Union forces in the East attempted to maneuver past Lee and fought several battles Grant's battles of attrition at: Wilderness, Spotsylvania Cold Harbor heavy Union losses, but forced Lee's Confederates to fall back again and again. Pinned down Confederates army in the Siege of Petersburg Trench warfare for over nine months.

36 Richmond Falls Richmond is the Confederate capital
Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse Lee was permitted to keep his officer's saber and his horse, Traveller.

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