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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution

2 Copernicus Developed a heliocentric theory of the universe
Heliocentric- sun is the center of the universe His ideas went against the church- publication of his book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was delayed in publication Didn’t receive a copy until his death bed

3 Galileo Galilei Believed conducting experiments was the way to finding knowledge Further developed: Aristotle's ideas>> that objects fall at the same speed, no matter the weight a telescope and helped prove Copernicus’s ideas clocks by inventing the pendulum A thermometer by inventing the water thermometer

4 Sir Isaac Newton Saw an apple fall which led him to the idea of gravity Gravity- the pull of the earth or other bodies in space on objects that are on or near them Published Principia in 1687 one of the most important books in modern science- stated that gravity holds the solar system together

5 Scientific Method Francis Bacon developed this method as a way of collecting and analyzing evidence


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