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SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION The Age of Reason 1500s thru the 1700s.

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2 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION The Age of Reason 1500s thru the 1700s

3 Scientific Revolution  Emphasis on reason and the systematic observation of nature –Know this definition. –Reason: the power of acquiring intellectual knowledge based on facts or premises

4 Food for thought  The accomplishments of one era (like the Age of Exploration) often serve as a catalyst for change in another era (like the Scientific Revolution).  What does this mean? Can you think of examples?

5 Scientific Revolution  Causes of the Scientific Revolution –Medieval Universities –The Renaissance –Renewed emphasis on mathematics –Renaissance system of patronage –Navigational problems of long sea voyages –Better scientific instruments  How can these events cause people to think differently?

6 Scientific Revolution  New interest in science led to discoveries and philosophies based on reason  Scientific Revolution starts with a new interpretation of the workings of our solar system Know this.

7 Scientific Revolution  During the Renaissance, most believed the earth was the center of the universe and the Church supported this. –Remember what happens to people who disagree with the Church?

8 Flashcards  You will be creating flashcards to help you remember these scientists. Pay attention to directions.  You can use the following slides to help you fill in the necessary information on the cards.  Your cards should be similar to the example shown next.


10 Nicholaus Copernicus 1473-1543  Polish astronomer Know him.  Proved the Heliocentric theory Know this definition. –The earth revolves around the sun

11 Galileo Galilei 1564-1642  Italian mathematician Know him.  Used new improved telescope to prove Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory was correct

12 Galileo  Was forced to recant by Catholic Church Know this definition.

13 Galileo  Famous experiment with the speed of falling bodies and their weight at the Leaning Tower of Pisa

14 Johannes Kepler 1571-1630  German astronomer –Know him.  Used math to prove the earth’s orbit was elliptical, not circular as Copernicus believed –Know the definition. –Theory of planetary motion –Know this.

15 Francis Bacon 1561-1626  English philosopher Know him.  Made the use of the Scientific Method popular –Hypothesis –Collect data –Analyze data –Conclusion. –Know definition and steps

16 Rene Descartes early 1600s  French philosopher and mathematician –Know him.  Invented analytical geometry  Helped to develop the Scientific Method

17 Rene Descartes  Believed the truth must be reached through reason  Wrote Discourse on Method –Know his book. –Only one undeniable truth—his own existence—so question everything –“I think, therefore I am.” –Know this quote.

18 Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727  English mathematician –Know him.  Wrote Principia (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) –Know his book. –Considered the greatest scientific book ever written  Developed calculus –Know this.

19 Sir Isaac Newton  Developed the Theory of Universal Gravitation –Know this –Force of gravity holds things on earth and holds the solar system together

20 Sir Isaac Newton  Considered the greatest and most influential scientist of all time  “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” Know this quote. –What did he mean?

21 Andreas Vesalius 1514-1564  Flemish doctor  Wrote The Structure of the Human Body. Know his book.  Started the science of anatomy Know definition.

22 William Harvey 1578-1657  English doctor  Discovered how the blood circulates through the body Know this.

23 Robert Hooke mid-1600s  English doctor  Used the microscope to discover the cell Know this.

24 Anton van Leeuwenhoek  Dutch scientist  Improved the microscope and saw bacteria Know him.


26 Help from Monarchs  Monarchs helped scientists in their studies Know this fact.  Royal Society of London (1662)  French Academy of Science (1666) –Could there have been a Scientific Revolution without the financial support and encouragement of the government or patrons?

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