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Presentation on theme: "Realism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realism

2 Romanticism vs. Realism
The world is simpler and more beautiful when you have a connection to nature. Emotional expression is best when it is exaggerated to prove your intensity and passion. We should focus on the amazing details of life and glorify the beauty of nature, especially man’s connection to it! The world is complex and cannot be simply described. Emotional expression should be realistic in order to reveal the importance of relationships. We should focus on the seemingly insignificant details to illuminate the complexities of man and society!

3 Characteristics: Romanticism vs Realism
Focus on details about the common man Character’s attitude and actions are legitimate topics of literature Nature is described literally Exploration of seemingly insignificant details to reveal important complexities Romanticism Interest in the common man and childhood Strong senses, emotions, and feelings Awe of nature Celebration of the individual and imagination

4 Techniques: Romanticism vs. Realism
Unrealistic Characters Character is a “god” Plot is unusual events, mystery, high adventure Story is “told” Exaggeration Setting is for plot  The language is often “literary” (formal) Realistic characters Characters are normal people Plot is ordinary events Story is “shown” Objectivity Setting is for characterization Writer uses everyday, “normal speech

5 Realism – focus on the ordinary
Focus on everyday activities instead of romanticized, stylized interpretations Characters resemble ordinary people Writer is interested in recent or contemporary life Hyperfocus on details to illuminate the world’s complexities



8 Let’s Compare - Paintings
White Horse - Constable The Gleaners, 1857 Jean-François Millet Romantic Realistic

9 Now you tell me – which of these is realistic or romantic?
Your turn! Now you tell me – which of these is realistic or romantic?

10 Courbet The Stonebreakers
REALISTIC Men are ordinary Ordinary events

11 Friedrich – Wanderer ROMANTIC Man as “god” Mysterious Nature!

12 Millet – Woman Baking Bread

13 Friedrich - Monk by the Sea
ROMANTIC! (look at that nature…)

14 Complete assignment
Extra Credit See the Great Gatsby Complete assignment Turn in stamped program with your name on it More details are on the website!

15 Journal 22.4 Give a romantic description of this image.
Give a realis tic descr iptio n of this imag e. Journal 22.4 Give a romantic description of this image. Give a realistic description of this image.







22 Mont St. Michel – Normandy, France

23 The Great Gatsby “The [house] on my right was a colossal affair by any standard—it was a factual imitation of some Hôtel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden” (Fitzgerald 22). Hôtel de Ville = City Hall

24 Short story by Guy de Maupassant Realist
A Piece of String Short story by Guy de Maupassant Realist Focus on characterization and small, revealing details

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