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The Crusades Chapter 8 (p. 255).

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1 The Crusades Chapter 8 (p. 255)

2 1096 AD Begins—but lasts for over 200 years
Christians battled Muslims for control of lands in the Middle East Ultimately, this shows Medieval Europeans that the world was larger than they ever dreamed—which sped up changes in European society

3 1050 AD Western Europe was in a period of isolation (while most others were thriving) Islamic civilization stretched from Spain to India—and began spreading even farther

4 1050 AD: In the Americas Maya were clearing areas of the rainforest to build cities with temples Native Americans were building in South America American civilizations remained relatively isolated from others

5 Byzantine Empire Formerly the eastern Roman empire
By 1071, Seljuk Turks invaded the empire and overran most of the Byzantine lands in Asia Minor (Turkey)

6 Seljuk Turks Extended power over the Holy Land (Jerusalem) and other places where Christians believed Jesus lived and preached Palestine Ultimately, this prevented Christian pilgrims from traveling to the Holy Land

7 Call for Help Byzantine emperor, Alexius I, asked Pope Urban II for Christian knights to help fight Muslim Turks Even though popes/emperors were rivals—he agreed

8 Call to War: 1095 Council of Clermont—Urban called bishops and nobles into action P. 256 Crusaders would be granted “…remission for all sins.”


10 “God Wills It” Was chanted by the assembly
By 1096, thousands of knights were on their way to the Holy Land Ordinary men and women went too

11 Why? Salvation Escape troubles at home Adventure Treasure/wealth
……..but few returned

12 Motives of the Pope: Increase power
Heal the split in the Church (east/west) Hoped that Christians would fight Muslims instead of each other

13 The First Crusade Only crusade that came close to success
Christians capture Jerusalem in 1099 (long & bloody campaign) Killed Muslims and Jews in the city

14 Crusader States Crusaders conquered land and divided it into 4 states
Muslims sought to destroy these states Thus, Europeans launched new crusades

15 A Losing Battle Over 200 years fighting (off and on)
1187—Jerusalem fell to the Muslims (led by Saladin) 3rd Crusade = Europeans failed to retake Jerusalem But, Saladin did reopen the Holy City to Christian pilgrims

16 Other Crusades Europeans mounted crusades against other Muslim lands (esp. North Africa) Crusaders defeated

17 4th Crusade Crusaders fought other Christians—looted the Byzantine Empire

18 “Children’s Crusade” Boy has a vision to convert Muslims to Christianity in the Holy Land Gains following of about 30,000 children Leads toward the Mediterranean Sea

19 “Children’s Crusade” LEGEND? Many died Sold into slavery Killed
Disease/exhaustion LEGEND?

20 Impact Legacy of religious hatred
Increased speed of changes for European society Economy expanded Increased the power of monarchs (who collected taxes to pay for the crusades) Gained a view of a “larger” world

21 Marco Polo 1271—set out for China Stayed in China for many years
Returned to Venice & wrote a book Many doubt he was ever in China ~ Government run mail service?? ~ black stones to heat homes??

22 Crusades Map





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