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Chapter 9 section 3.  Pope Urban believed the Crusades would increase his power  Possibly reunite the Eastern and Western Churches  Christians believed.

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1 Chapter 9 section 3

2  Pope Urban believed the Crusades would increase his power  Possibly reunite the Eastern and Western Churches  Christians believed that their sins would be forgiven if they participated in the Crusades

3  Nobles hoped to gain wealth and land by participating in the Crusades  Adventurers saw the Crusades as a chance for travel and excitement  Serfs hoped to escape feudal oppression by fighting in the Crusades

4  Only the 1 st crusade came close to achieving its goal  Capturing the city of Jerusalem  Divided their conquered lands into four small states  Muslim leaders tried to regain these kingdoms  Leading to additional Crusades

5  Saladin a Muslim ruler was respected by both Christians and Muslims  Marched toward Jerusalem and took the city back from the Christians  Richard the Lion-Hearted won several victories in the 3 rd Crusade by never captured the city

6  4 th Crusade was supposed to regain Jerusalem  Knights were divided  Helped Venetian merchants defeat Byzantine rivals  Knights looted Constantinople  4 th Crusade became a battle between Christians

7  Crusades left behind a legacy of religious hatred between Christians and Muslims  Crusaders turned their hatred on Jews traveling to or from Palestine  Destroyed entire Jewish communities

8  Contact between Western and Eastern Europeans and the Muslim world resulted in cultural diffusion!  European economy began to grow  Europeans gained and expanded their view of the world

9 CAUSESEFFECTS People wanted to fee the Holy Land from Seljuk control Many people wanted to get rich and gain new land Some people wanted to see new places Trade increased People of different religions grew to hate each other Popes became more powerful Feudal kings became more powerful Renting land helped to free serfs Europeans became interested in traveling People learned about other cultures

10  Crusades led to new goods from the east that Europeans wanted… even after the Crusades  The economies of both the East and the West benefited from this commerce

11  As Europeans were introduced to Byzantine and Muslim culture, their interest in learning increased  Saw how they had preserved Greco-Roman learning  They saw the advances the Byzantine and Muslims made in mathematics, science, literature, art, and geographical knowledge

12  Crusades increased the power of monarchs  Gained the right to increase tax to support fighting  Institution of feudalism weakened  Instead of grain or labor Lords needed money  Asked for payment of rent in money  Economy based on money (not land) took hold

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