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The Golden Age of India.

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1 The Golden Age of India

2 The Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya: A strong leader who conquered many small Indian kingdoms to create a great Mauryan Empire. Ashoka: Grandson of Chandragupta, conquered much land-Enlarged the Empire until it included all of India except the southern tip of the subcontinent. (AKA—the first imperial dynasty to hold nearly all of India) But Asoka was affected by the violence that conquering required-abandoned that life & became a Buddhist. He treated people with kindness after taking on Buddhism. He was a kinder leader and a good leader. He supported missionaries & funded the building of Stupas (religious Monuments) & monasteries.

3 The Decline of the Mauryan Empire
Asoka died in 232 BC. His sons battled for power & the empire’s power decreased. In 184 BC the last Mauryan emperor was killed by one of his own generals & the empire collapsed. New dynasty emerged to do the decline of Buddhism and growth of Hinduism. 300’s A.D.—Gupta family came to power Chandra Gupta I—founder Empire spread due to conquest and intermarriage Empire included all of northern India

4 The Gupta Empire Around AD 320 the Gupta dynasty took over & reunited northern India. Chandra Gupta I-Founder of Gupta dynasty. (NOT related to Chandragupta Maurya) Samudra Gupta-Son of Chandra Gupta I, expanded the empire Chandra Gupta II-Samudra’s son, height of the Gupta Empire, his reign marked a period of prosperity and cultural achievement in India. The Gupta Dynasty lasted 400’s AD until fierce attacks by the Huns from Central Asia. This drained the empire of its resources. India broke up once again into a patchwork of small states.

5 Life in Gupta India Trade increased-Silk Road developed; cashmere, cotton, ivory & spices were traded. Silk Road would become major trade routes!! Economy strengthened- Shops & markets were doing lots of business Cities prospered –The use of money brought out a new class of moneylenders; & young people began to value a culture stressing luxury & pleasure. Traditions developed-Caste system was still part of daily life, legal code, men had more rights, marriages were arranged-abused women could leave their marriages though. The caste system was very strict which they felt kept stability.

6 A Gupta Golden Age: Achievements
Great advances were made in art, writing, & science. Kalidasa- a poet & playwright. Many Hindu & Buddhist temples built at this time. Made medicines from plants & minerals Could vaccinate people & perform surgery. Number system with “zero”. This changed how mathematics could be used. Cotton- first to use it for cloth Magnetic compass

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