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Classical Empires of India: The Maurya & The Gupta.

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1 Classical Empires of India: The Maurya & The Gupta

2 Classical India (1000B.C.E. - 600 C.E.)  Economy  Agriculture; helped by monsoons  Traded cotton cloth, ivory, and metalwork  Religion  Hinduism  Brought by Aryans  Polytheistic / Reincarnation  Created the varna system (4 main castes)

3 Classical India  Mauryan Dynasty  Founded by Chandragupta Maurya, greatly expanded by grandson Ashoka (268-232 B.C.E.)  Conquered most of India; used elephants in warfare  Battle of Kalinga- very bloody; Ashoka became Buddhist after  Reforms  Put up huge pillars around the country to spread the message of Buddhism. Created edicts (orders) to solidify its place in society.  Centralized government & expansion of agriculture.  Built many roads to promote trade  Empire fell apart after Ashoka’s death

4 Classical India  Gupta Dynasty(320-565C.E.)  Founded by Chandra Gupta, who used alliances, tribute, and military conquest to rule.  Official religion of the empire was Hinduism.  Known as India’s “Golden Age” due to many advancements in literature, math, and science.  Eventually destroyed by the invading Huns

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