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Take the true or false smoking quiz

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1 Take the true or false smoking quiz

2 Chapter 21 Tobacco

3 The effects of tobacco use
Cigarettes are addictive because of one main ingredient called ________________. Many people think they can stop smoking cigarettes but they cannot. The effects of tobacco use

4 Nicotine What is nicotine? Nicotine is the addictive drug
found in the leaves of tobacco. What is tobacco?

5 Tobacco is a name for any plant of the nightshade family and for the product manufactured from the leaf. It is used in cigars and cigarettes, snuff, pipe and chewing tobacco. Tobacco

6 What was the first cash crop in the American colonies?
A) Corn B) Tobacco C) Wheat D) Cotton What was the first cash crop in the American colonies?

7 Tobacco cultivation and exports formed an essential component of the American colonial economy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Tobacco plantations were distinct from other cash crops in terms of agricultural demands, trade, slave labor, and plantation culture. Many influential American revolutionaries, including Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, owned tobacco plantations,. History of Tobacco

8 Tobacco had already long been used in the Americas by the time European settlers arrived and introduced the practice to Europe, where it became popular. At high doses, tobacco can become hallucinogenic. Apart from smoking, tobacco had a number of uses as medicine. As a pain killer it was used for earache and toothache and occasionally as a poultice.  History of Tobacco

9 Is tobacco a stimulant or depressant?

10 Tobacco/nicotine is a stimulant.
This drug increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs.

11 Carcinogens Carcinogens are a cancer causing substance.
Most of these substances are found in tobacco smoke. This is one of the main reasons why second hand smoke is very dangerous. Carcinogens

12 Secondhand smoke is known to contain at least 250 toxic chemicals, including 50 cancer- causing chemicals. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. That means if you can smell cigarette smoke in the air, it could be harming your health. Secondhand Smoke

13 Second Hand Smoke

14 Tar Tar is a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns.

15 Tar is the partially combusted particulate matter produced by the burning of tobacco and other plant material in the act of smoking. Tar is toxic and damages the smoker's lungs over time through various biochemical and mechanical processes. Tar also damages the mouth by rotting and blackening teeth, damaging gums, and desensitizing taste buds.

16 Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas, that is taken up into the body more than oxygen.

17 Some other chemicals in cigarettes
Cyanide Insecticides Paint Toilet cleaners Antifreeze Explosives

18 Smokers Point of view Do smokers think about the effects of cigarettes? Yes or No and Why?

19 Cigars contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes.
Fact: One cigar contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Pipes and Cigars

20 What is smokeless tobacco?

21 Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed.

22 Vapor (e-cigarettes) vs. cigarettes??
Which is more harmful and why?

23 Chewing tobacco delivers both nicotine and carcinogens to the body at levels that can be two or three times the amount delivered by a single cigarette.

24 Why do companies put so many chemical in cigarettes?

25 1. To make them more addictive 2. To improve the burn
1. To make them more addictive 2. To improve the burn. (Pure tobacco burns, but only if you keep inhaling and drawing air through it. A cigarette of pure tobacco would go out if you put it down To improve the smoothness (lessen the harshness of the smoke.) Remember that unlike fine cigars, most cigarettes are made of poor quality tobacco. Cigarette makers add chemicals to mask this. 4. For flavor

26 Fact! When people inhale the smoke of cigarettes, the nicotine goes deep into the lungs. From the lungs it goes into the bloodstream and is carried to the heart and then the brain. It only takes six seconds for nicotine to reach the brain.

27 Effects of cancer Lung Diseases Different Cancers Ages your skin
Impotence Blindness/Vision Problems Gum Disease among others Effects of cancer

28 Effect on the lungs


30 What is the number 1 reason teens use tobacco?
One problem with people who smoke cigarettes is withdrawals. They will have symptoms such as headaches, restlessness, stress, shakes, etc

31 Design a creative AD, or “saying” that promotes the anti-smoking campaign.
Ex. Assignment



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